You know that all care providers need NHSmail. It’s our sector’s way of sending personal data securely, Many hospitals will no longer share discharge documents without an NHSmail address. NHSmail is freely available to CQC registered care services.

How to create an NHSmail account:

Creating NHSmail accounts can be simply managed by (1) completing your data security and protection toolkit and (2) requesting up to 11 free secure email accounts from NHS Digital team (0333 200 1133 / / Joining NHSmail – NHSmail Support)

Most Care Providers in UK now have NHSmail accounts to enable the transmission of sensitive information, which might otherwise incur a HUGE FINE. Providers in Herts who already have NHSMail can be found here:


Care providers must have NHSmail to securely share personal data, and we highly recommend this is in place. Many hospitals will no longer share discharge documents without an NHSmail address. NHSmail is freely available to CQC registered care services.

Please be aware as of now there are phased security changes being made to NHSmail – now known as Connect -which will affect all users of NHSmail ( Connect).  These security improvements will change the security questions and answers that you set up initially on your account for the Helpdesk to validate you if you forget your password / lock your account/ are unable to log into your account and need to contact them to reset your account. The security questions and answers are instead being replaced by Account Secret.

The aim of this change is to make password resets for users a lot easier.  You will only need to remember one word rather than three questions and answers!

It is recommended that you set up your Account Secret now.  For guidance on setting up Account Secret, please follow this link  Link to NHS guidance here

If you have not set it up by 3rd February 2025 , thereafter, each time you log in to the portal you will be asked to set it up if you have not done so. You will not be able to log in to the portal at that point unless you take the steps to set up your Account Secret.

If you have not set it up thereafter access to MS Office 365 will be blocked and you will be asked to access the Connect Portal to set up your Account Secret to restore access. (Exact cut-off date for this yet to be confirmed.)

Please let us know if you have any questions at / 01707708018.