Champion/Specialist Coordinator


Role and Responsibilities

Champions specialise in one area of care such as dementia, medication, end of life care, moving and handling and more. The champion would take responsibility for coordinating this aspect of care, from ensuring relevant policies are in place to support carers and individuals, to cascading information when things change.

Responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing and developing policies and procedures for relevant aspect of care
  • Coordinating staff training in area of specialism and delivering some aspects of training
  • Ensuring individuals have access to the care and support they need
  • Implementing specific projects for your area of specialism
  • Working with external providers where necessary


Skills and Experience


Specific skills needed to work in this role include:

  • Good communication skills
  • Coordination and organisational skills
  • The ability to motivate others
  • Negotiating skills


Prior Requirements

Champions must have completed the Care Certificate and any training identified for Care Staff.