Hertfordshire Care Provider Support Service Directory

Download our Care Home Directory poster which displays key contact information for services East & North South & West Directory poster

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Area of Hertfordshire


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- Please note some areas around Royston fall under Cambridge and Peterborough for health related support.

PictureType of ServiceServiceAvailable toArea of HertofordshireWhen to contact?emailPhoneService HoursService DaysBank HolidaysWeekendsAditional DetailsPostcode
To be addedAdmission Avoidance / prevention of admissionsHAARC (Hertfordshire Admission Avoidance Response Car)Care HomesSouth and WestIf your resident is suffering from symptoms of –Head injuries (without loss of consciousness) / Wounds / Burns & scalds / Joint & limb injuries / Soft tissue injuries / Rib injuries / Back pain / Chest infections / Urinary Tact infection / Dizziness Vomiting / Minor Allergic reactions0345601055206:30 - 23:007 days a weekYesEnsure you are with your resident when you callAL7 4HL
To be addedAdmission Avoidance / prevention of admissionsNHS CLCH Urgent Community Response (including Rapid Response, EIV, Frailty Hospital at Home and Virtual Hospital pathways).Care HomesSouth and WestWhen there is a risk of imminent hospital admission but excluding life threatening conditions requiring hospital level care and acute mental health crisis. All pathways are delivered by joint multi-disciplinary teams comprising of Nurses, Paramedics, OTs, Physios and Healthcare Support Workers to prevent avoidable hospital admissions. Care Homes will typically refer patients suitable for an EIV response. The services are available to adult patients living in S&W Hertfordshire and registered with a S&W Hertfordshire GP. Typical Referrals Accepted: Urinary Tract Infection /Falls with no/minor injuries (including patients currently on the floor) / Minor head injuries (without loss of consciousness) / Back Pain / Chest Infections / Joint and Limb pain / Dizziness Vomiting For any life-threatening conditions, call 999 (Not breathing, unconscious, chest pain, signs of stroke, heavy bleeding)Call: 03000 200 656, Option 2, Option 8 Then ask to refer to EIV08:00 - 20:007 days a weekYesYes

All pathways are triaged by the same team who will determine the most appropriate response. At a minimum you will be asked for: Patient demographics, and if relevant: History of presenting complaint, working diagnosis, any commencement of treatment or changes to medication, next of kin details and any observations obtained. NB: For wound and catheter care, please continue to refer to the Community Nurses in the established way.

To be addedEmergency/ General. Prevention of admissionsCall 111 when it's less urgent than 999Care HomesSouth and West; East and NorthFor out of hours health advice from: - GP - Palliative care nurse - Mental health nurse - Pharmacist - DentistFor advice and interventions from a GP, Pharmacist and/or a Dentist as well as advice and interventions around palliative care, mental health, and falls.Call: 111 option *624 hours7 days a weekYesYesEnsure you are with your resident when you call
To be addedEmergency/ GeneralIn an Emergency Call 999Care HomesSouth and West; East and NorthFor life or limb threatening emergencies onlyCall: 99924 hours7 days a weekYesYes
To be addedMental HealthMental Health via Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation TrustCare HomesSouth and West; East and NorthEarly Memory Diagnostic Support Service Resident with ongoing cognitive issues over 6 months with no diagnosis of Dementia. Referral via GP as will need dementia screening for physical health.Community Mental Health Team (SMHTOP) Residents who have a Primary Mental Health Need – for example: Moderate to Severe Depression, Moderate to Severe Anxiety, Psychosis, Dementia Complex Behaviours associated with DementiaExclusion : Conditions not attributed or associated with a mental health condition (e.g. severe anger),Primary diagnosis of alcohol or substance misuse, social care only, acquired brain injury, significant cognitive impairment due to different types of brain damage (e.g. Neurology, HIV Dementia) Crisis Function Team As above but who may also exhibit challenging behaviour and where in the case of service users without dementia there is evidence of physical frailty Older adults with a dementia or acute mental illness who would benefit from a short period of Crisis and Assessment support to facilitate discharge from hospital Specific short treatments such as medication normally requiring admission to hospital may be considered i.e. those having medicines introduced or adjusted or those requiring monitoring of a new treatment plan Exclusion: alcohol detoxification, Huntingdon’s disease, and Korsakoff’s syndrome, Social care needs only, respite care or service users where physical health needs outweigh mental health problems.Integrated Care Team (East & North Only) Low level mental health needs that are secondary to their physical health needs e.g. low mood due to bereavement, social isolation, adjustment to physical health. Attend Care Home MDT’s for anticipatory advice and supportWhat to expect On referral to our Single Point of Access (SPA) A triage clinician will use information provided to make a decision on urgency of contact. Please ensure the person has been screened/treated medically treatable conditions before referral. A SPA clinician will contact the care home to discuss the referral and gather further information for triaging to the correct team. Information needed: History of presenting complaint, Medical History and recent physical health, ABC/medication/food/fluid/bowels charts as appropriate, any identified risks and how you are managing them. Crisis Function Team The Crisis Function will contact the referrer within the same day of receipt of a referral to agree the level of urgency and a time for the assessment to occur. Urgent Assessments will be completed within 24 hours from the time the team are notified of the referral.Integrated Care Team Contact within 7 days of referralenherts.smhtop@nhs.net. (New patient referrals hpft.spa@nhs.net for non—urgent enquiries) New Patient Referrals 0800 6444 101 24 hours a day 7 days a week Email: hpft.spa@nhs.net for non—urgent enquiries EAST SMHTOP,OT & EMDASS (M-F 9-5): T: 01707 364003 enherts.SMHTOP@nhs.net CRISIS (M-F 9-9, S+S 11-7): T: 01707 364003 M: 07920 823180 enherts.SMHTOP@nhs.net North SMHTOP & OT (M-F 9-5): T: 01438 792190 E: hpft.northherts.smhtop@nhs.net EMDASS (M-F 9-5): T: 01438 792120 E: hpft.northherts.emdass@nhs.net CRISIS (M-F 9-9, S+S 11-7): T: 01438 792130 M: 07500 225381 E: hpft.northherts.smhtop@nhs.net South West SMHTOP & OT (M-F 9-5): T: 01923 837148 E: hpft.swherts.smhtop@nhs.net EMDASS (M-F 9-5): T: 01923 837154 E: hpft.swherts.emdass@nhs.net CRISIS (M-F 9-9, S+S 11-7): T: 01923 837148 M: 07971992012 E: hpft.swherts.smhtop@nhs.net North West SMHTOP & OT (M-F 9-5): T: 01442 215628 E: hpft.nwherts.smhtop@nhs.net CRISIS (M-F 9-9, S+S 11-7): M: 07827 881635 E: hpft.nwherts.smhtop@nhs.net Integrated Care Team (East and North) (M-F 9-5): T: 01707 364070 E:hpft.integratedcareteam@nhs.net Discharge to Assess Team (County-wide) (M-F 9-5): E: hpft.integratedcareteam@nhs.netAll services (except Crisis Function) Monday to Friday 9am to 5pmCrisis Function Team: Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am to 7pm New patient referrals 24/7 0800 6444 101 / hpft.spa@nhs.net for non—urgent enquiriesOpening Hours: 09.00 - 17.00 Monday - FridayAll services (except Crisis Function) Monday to Friday 9am to 5pmCrisis Function Team: Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am to 7pm11am to 7pmFull list of services, opening hours and contacts can be found hereAL10 8YE
To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist Teams / prevention of admissionsCommunity Adult Health Services (CAHS)Care HomesSouth and WestCommunity nurses, community matrons, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and specialist palliative care nurses who support with: - Wound care management - Chronic disease management - Palliative treatment and care - Injections/eye drops - Tissue viability - Leg ulcer management - PEG management - Bladder and bowel management - Therapy assessments and treatmentsCall: 03000 200 656 Option 1 08:00 - 22:007 days a week - 08:00 - 22:007 days a week - 08:00 - 22:00Website: Home :: Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (clch.nhs.uk)AL7 1BW
To be addedEquipmentWheelchair ServiceCare HomesSouth and WestProvide wheelchairs and equipment such as: - Manual wheelchairs - Powered indoor and outdoor wheelchairs - Specialist buggies, wheelchairs and seating for children - Specialist bespoke seating systems for use with a wheelchair - Pressure relieving cushions and some accessories for wheelchairsCall: 0808 1753040 (For current wheelchair users)08.00 - 18.00Monday - Friday*New users should be referred into the service by a qualified healthcare professional such as a GP, district nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist

Note: NHS wheelchair services can be found by clicking here
SG13 7GX
To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist TeamsCommunity Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)Care HomesSouth and WestContact for advice and support relating to: - Difficulties with communication, eating, drinking and swallowing - Newly identified or as a result of medical conditions, such as stroke, head & neck cancer, Parkinson’s disease and dementiaCall: 01438 285287 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayAL7 1BW
To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist TeamsCommunity Diabetic nursing teamCare HomesSouth and WestContact for advice relating to: - Advice and education for adults with diabetes - Healthy living - Diabetes treatments - Initiation of insulin - Blood glucose monitoring and how to use a glucometerCall: 01707 621152 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayAL4 9XR
To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist TeamsCommunity dietitianCare HomesSouth and WestContact for advice and support relating to: - Diabetes and weight Management - Nutrition support - Home enteral tube feeding - Long term conditionsCall: 01727 732011 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayIMPORTANT: Please see this guide before making referral: Care Home malnutrition pathwayAL7 1BW
To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist TeamsThe Heart Failure TeamCare HomesSouth and WestKnown to have heart failure and known to the community heart failure team?clcht.westherts.communitycardiology@nhs.net 03000 200 656 (option 2, option 5) 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayWebpage - click hereNW1 5JD
To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist TeamsCommunity Respiratory teamCare HomesSouth and WestContact for advice and support relating to: - Pulmonary rehabilitation - Home oxygen - Hospital at home - Community respiratory clinic - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - Asthma - Bronchiectasis - Interstitial lung disease (ILD) - Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) - Non-invasive ventilation (NIV); and tuberculosis nursing serviceRespiratory Advice Line: 07944 960825 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Sunday

Heart failure/COPD Virtual Hospital (These services can also be accessed directly Respiratory: Mon – Sun 9am-5pm Respiratory Advice Line: 07944 960 825
Heart Failure: Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm 03000 200 656 (Option 2 then Option 5)

To be addedPharmacyICB Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes (MOCH) TeamCare HomesSouth and West; East and North• To request medication system and process reviews ( routinely undertaken every 2 years ) • To ask for advice around medicines management in care homes for example covert administration , homely remedies , self-care and prn medication • To ask for advice around legislation and medicines policies in care homes • To ask for support investigating medication errors • To ask for advice around ordering medication and reducing waste medicationhweicbenh.pharmacycarehomes@nhs.netn/a 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayNot availablePlease only email personal data from a secure email account, such as NHS.net.
If you do not know if you're email service is secure, contact the HCPA data protection service 01707 708018 / dataprotection@hcpa.co.uk
To be addedEnhanced Care Home SupportICB Care settings quality improvement team (Previously CHIT)Care HomesSouth and WestTraining need identified to support the prevention of avoidable hospital admissions and to provide the best quality carehweicbhv.chitnurse@nhs.net - Response within 24 hours Mon- Fri 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Fridayn/an/a

For specific care provider discussions contact –
(response within 24 hours Mon-Fri)

South and West Herts

  • Alison Trueman - Care Setting Quality Improvement & Primary Care Link nurse Lead - alison.trueman4@nhs.net
  • Tina Masters - Quality Assurance and Improvement Lead-tina.masters@nhs.net

East and North Herts

  • Quality Assurance and Improvement Lead – emma.slater5@nhs.net

West Essex

To be addedPharmacyFor Patients with Needle PhobiaCare HomesSouth and WestHPFT support patients with needle phobia and the referral route is the same as for any other IAPT referral: https://www.hpft-talkingtherapies.nhs.uk/ 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayPlease can you encourage people to make a self-referral via our patient portal available on our webpage HPFT-iapt.nhs: Homepage | HPFT IAPT Services (hpft-talkingtherapies.nhs.uk)AL3 5TQ
To be addedAdmission Avoidance / prevention of admissionsHospital at Home (Previously Prevention of Admission)Residential care homes, Supported Living services and Homecare organisationsEast and NorthResidential and Nursing Care Homes have access to the Hospital at Home service for same day urgent responses to avoid patients being admitted to hospital, including end of life. Please use this service if you are concerned that a resident may require a hospital admission for an urgent but non-life-threatening condition. This is not for everyday issues; your regular GP will continue to deal with these.hct.urgentcommunityadults@nhs.netCALL 0300 123 7571 - choose Option 3 and listen for Hospital at home option08:00 – 20:00, For same day urgent visits, the last referral for therapy 16:00, and nursing 18:007 days a weekEmail: hct.urgentcommunityadults@nhs.net . View the poster here

We do not accept patients with life-threatening conditions which require hospital care, people experiencing acute mental health crisis or any routine medical issues which can be dealt with via the person's GP
To be addedPalliative Care, End of Life Support and Bereavement & Wellbeing ServicesGarden House Hospice Care, Rennie Grove Hospice Care and Peace House CareCare HomesNorth, South and WestProvides specialist palliative and end of life care advice and support for people and professionals to help avoid unnecessary or unwanted hospital admissions.East and North Herts: 07843 218316. South and West Herts: 07736 976744. NORTH HERTS & STEVENAGE: Garden House Hospice Advice Line - 01462 416794. West Herts: Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care Coordination Centre 01923 60 60 30 from 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week. Urgent calls only after 6pm or email coordination@renniegrovepeace.orgWeekdays 9 - 5Weekdays 9 - 5 24-hour advice line North 01462 416794, East 01707 382575, West 01923 33535624-hour advice line North 01462 416794, West 01923 33535624-hour advice line North 01462 416794, West 01923 335356IMPORTANT: Key contact numbers can be found here for all parts of the county:
Click here for contact information
To be addedMental HealthMental HealthCare HomesSouth and West; East and NorthA resident experiencing a mental health problem for the first time or needs urgent help. (If your resident is already using the service contact their case worker directly).Informal Advice UPPER LEA VALLEY, LOWER LEA VALLEY, WELHAT, STORT VALLEY & VILLAGES: 01707 364003 NORTH HERTS, STEVENAGE: 01442 275628. New Patient Referrals: 0800 6444 101Informal Advice UPPER LEA VALLEY, LOWER LEA VALLEY, WELHAT, STORT VALLEY & VILLAGESNORTH HERTS, STEVENAGE 9am – 5pm (Mon – Fri)New Patient Referrals 24 hours a day 7 days a weekEmail: hpft.spa@nhs.net for non-urgent enquiries
To be addedEnhanced Care Home SupportCare Home Clinical LeadsCare HomesEast and NorthCare Home Clinical Leads can provide advice and support with completing care plans, including advanced care planning and treatment escalation plans. CHCLs also provide training, education and advice for care homes and co-ordinate regular multi-disciplinary meetings to discuss complex residents.Care Home Clinical Leads - Stort Valley now Joanne Sexton Joanne.sexton@nhs.net - WGC Claire Watts claire.watts13@nhs.net -Stevenage South Amy Lemon amy.lemon@nhs.net -Stevenage North Katy Ball katy.ball4@nhs.net -Hoddesdon and Broxbourne Sam Norris samantha.norris7@nhs.net -Hertford and Rurals Sarah Turner sarah.turner47@nhs.net -Hatfield Linda Parry linda.parry2@nhs.net0300 123 7571 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday

Care Home Clinical Leads

Stort Valley now Joanne Sexton Joanne.sexton@nhs.net

WGC Claire Watts claire.watts13@nhs.net

Stevenage South Amy Lemon amy.lemon@nhs.net

Stevenage North Katy Ball katy.ball4@nhs.net

Hoddesdon and Broxbourne Sam Norris samantha.norris7@nhs.net

Hertford and Rurals Sarah Turner sarah.turner47@nhs.net

Hatfield Linda Parry linda.parry2@nhs.net

To be addedEnhanced Care Home SupportFrailty Nurse (North Herts only)Care HomesEast and NorthAssess residents for frailty and offer a Personalised Care and Support plan which includes Advanced care planning. Also review residents who are generally deteriorating and offer 4 monthly reviews.hct.carehometeam@nhs.net 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayAL7 1BW
To be addedSensoryHCC Sensory ServicesAll ProvidersSouth and West; East and NorthReferrals can be made through various sources including CVI from hospitals, professionals and self-referrals. Referrals from professionals can be made directly to Sensory Services Duty on:sensory.services@hertfordshire.gov.uk01442 454832 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday
To be addedSensoryHertfordshire Hearing Advisory ServiceAll ProvidersSouth and West; East and Northinfo@hhas.org.uk01707 324582 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayWebsite: www.hhas.org.uk
To be addedSensoryHerts Vision LossAll ProvidersSouth and West; East and Northoffice@hertsvisionloss.org.uk01707 324 680 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayWebsite- hertsvisionloss.org.uk/contact-us/
To be addedEquipmentHertfordshire Equipment ServiceAll ProvidersSouth and West; East and Northhesenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk01707 292555 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday PLUS out of hours servicesee out of hours servicesee out of hours serviceWebsite: click here

Out of hours service: click here
To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist TeamsHILS NAT Service (Nutrition Accreditation)Care HomesSouth & West HertsHealth & Independent Living SupportNAT@hils-uk.org0330 2000 103 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday

The HILS NAT team provide care home staff with tailored training sessions to help you provide the best support for your residents’ nutritional needs. Care homes that provide excellent levels of nutrition support can achieve a bronze, silver, or gold accreditation in Nutrition Awareness. This quality marker will help people choose the right care home for them and recognises the hard work of care home staff in looking after their residents’ nutritional health. Delivered in partnership with Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group and Hertfordshire Integrated Nutrition and Dietetic Service (HINDS). This service is free to care homes catering to older people and people with learning disabilities. For more information, visit: https://hils-uk.org/support-for-groups/nutrition-awareness-training/

Additionally complete the referral form and send to hct.westherts.dietinfo@nhs.net for the Nutrition and Dietetics team from Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

To be addedCommunity Trust Specialist TeamsHCT Nutrition Support ServiceCare HomesEast and NorthA written referral should be sent to the single points of contact. For patients whose GP is in East and North Hertfordshire please send the referral to hct.dietetic.enherts@nhs.net. GPs can refer using the form on ARDENS. For patients whose GP is in Herts Valleys please send the referral to hct.westherts.dietinfo@nhs.net. GPs can refer using the form on DXS. The referral should include details of the patients past medical history recent diagnosis reason for referral drug therapy relevant blood results any social information that would have implications on the treatment plan01707 388000 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayPlease note this guidance document before making a referral: care-home-managing-malnutrition-pathway (icb.nhs.uk)
To be addedLearning Disability Support with HealthCommunity Learning Disability TeamCare Homes, Homecare and Supported Living servicesSouth and West; East and NorthLearning disability nurses in each adult disability social care team working with people aged 25 and overdacorum.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; eastherts.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; Broxbourne.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; stalbans.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; hertsmere.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; stevenage.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; northherts.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; WelwynHatfield.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; watfordthreerivers.adt@hertfordshire.gov.uk; 0-25.ldnursing@hertfordshire.gov.ukDacorum 01442 454444, East Herts 01438 843111, Broxbourne 01438 843400, St Albans 01442 454300, Hertsmere 01442 454242, Stevenage 01438 845629, North Herts 01438 845529, Welwyn and Hatfield 01438 843600, Watford 01442 454343, 0-25 Nurses for people aged 18-15 01438 8446609am to 5pmMonday to FridayN/AN/A

    Community Learning Disability Nurses (CLDNs) in Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) play a pivotal role in reducing health inequalities by ensuring individuals with learning disabilities receive equitable healthcare. They accept referrals for adults whose health needs are not fully met by standard health services, bridging gaps in health service provision. CLDNs adopt a person-centred approach, tailoring their support to the unique health needs of each individual. Furthermore, they conduct holistic health assessments with a focus on prevention and education, striving to enhance overall health outcomes for adults with learning disabilities. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/ldmyhealth

    SG1 2FQ
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportHealth Liason teamCare HomesSouth and West; East and NorthThe Health Liaison Team A team of specialist healthcare workers who help people with learning disabilities Part of Adult Disability Servicehealthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845372 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportAcute Liaison NursesCare HomesSouth and West; East and Northhealthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845372 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportEpilepsy Specialist NursesCare HomesSouth and West; East and NorthAvailable to anyone over 18 years with a learning disability and Epilepsy in Hertfordshire. If you are working with a person with learning disabilities and you are concerned about any aspect of their Epilepsy management.Epilepsy.Referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk01442 453017 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday

    The Epilepsy Specialist Nurses work with people aged 18 years upwards, who have a learning disability and epilepsy. Due to the huge volume of referrals, they will get involved for a specific task or concern, and when this is resolved they will stop working with the person. The Epilepsy Specialist nurses can support the Neurologists or Consultant Psychiatrists with medication changes to reduce the number of seizures, as well as devising Rescue Medication protocols and carrying out Home Safety Risk assessments. The Nurses can help family/paid carers understand the risks and ways of managing the persons epilepsy with a best quality of life as possible. To look at our Easy read resources visit our website. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/LDepilepsy

    SG1 2FQ
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportHealth Improvement and Prevention TeamCare HomesSouth and West; East and NorthWe work with all kinds of care providers and client families, wherever someone has health concerns that can or does lead to an unplanned hospital admission.HIPLD.Team@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845372 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayN/AN/A
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportPurple Star Strategy TeamCare HomesSouth and West; East and NorthPurpleStarStrategy@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 844681 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportExpert by Experience AdvisorCare HomesSouth and West; East and Northhealthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845372 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportCreative Practitioner & Purple All-StarsCare HomesSouth and West; East and Northhealthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845372 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportHealth Equalities Nurses - Cancer Screening and Annual Health ChecksCare HomesSouth and West; East and Northhealthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845372 09.00 - 17.00Monday - Friday
    To be addedLearning Disability SupportHealth Equalities Nurses (STOMP)Anyone with a learning disability over the age of 18, living anywhere in HertfordshireSouth and West; East and NorthAt any time for guidance and support regarding mental health medication which could be being overprescribed. The team can offer assessments for individuals and awareness training for staff teams.stomp@hertfordshire.gov.uk01442 453397 09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayClosedClosed

    STOMP LD is a national agenda created by NHS England, in recognition of the fact that people with learning disabilities tend to be overprescribed all types of mental health medication. The eligibility criteria for STOMP LD is must have a learning disability, must be taking ANY type of mental health medication, must not be under the care of a mental health team and must not have any known mental illness.

    For more information please either contact the STOMP LD team or follow this link - NHS England » Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP)

    Website www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/ldmyhealth

    SensorySensory ServicesProfessionals and self-referralsEast and North, South and WestReferrals from professionals can be made directly to Sensory Servicessensory.services@hertfordshire.gov.uk01442 4548329am to 5pmMonday to FridayN/AN/A

    Referrals can be  made through various sources including CVI from hospitals, professionals and self referrals.

    • Referrals from professionals can be made directly to Sensory Services Duty on:

    Tel: 01442 454832

      Email: sensory.services@hertfordshire.gov.uk

    • Self referrals can be made to the HCS Customer Services Centre online or on:       Tel: 0300 123 4042

    Minicom: 0300 123 4041

    Signvideo via Contact us page

    SMS Text: 07812 322225

    Email: sensory.services@hertfordshire.gov.uk

    Hospice of St FrancisHospiceHospice of St FrancisCare HomesWest Herts onlyProvides specialist palliative and end of life care advice and support for people and professionals to help avoid unnecessary or unwanted hospital admissions.None01442 869550 (9am to 5pm), advice line for out of hours 01923 3353569am to 5pm 7 days a week7 days a weekYesYesThe Hospice of St Francis Berkhamsted | Herts and Bucks | #YourPreciousLife
    Isabel HospicePalliative care and end of life careIsabel HospiceResidential care homes; Homecare and supported living services;East Herts but the educator for care homes covers East and North Herts. Inpatient unit postcode AL7 4GNConcerns re palliative and End of life concerns, to refer someone who needs to be seen for a CNS advice and support. Anyone 18yrs and over who is palliative who may need symptom control support.enquiries@isabelhospice.org.ukTriage clinician of the day 01707 382500 Mon-Fri 9-5pmTriage clinician of the day 01707 382500 Mon-Fri 9-5pm 7 days a weekAdvice Line 01707 3825757 24 hrs 7 days a weekWeekdays and weekends. 7 days a week.YesTriage clinician; No, Advice Line: Yeswww.isabelhospice.org.uk AL7 4GN
    Nutrition and Dietetics- Training and support for care homes on the whole care home approach to identify and treat malnutrition. - Support and advice around ICB nutritional guidance. - Specialist dietary advice for medical conditions where dietary manipulation is required to treat a medical condition. - Treatment of enterally fed patients.Nutrition and DieteticsResidential care homesSouth and West Herts; East and North HertsIf they have a query about the correct application of the whole care home approach for the identification and treatment of malnutrition. - For advice around patients who meet the dietetic referral criteria.Whole care home approach: - South and West Hertfordshire: hct.westherts.dietcarehome@nhs.net - East and North Hertfordshire: hct.eastnorthherts.dietcarehome@nhs.net . Home enteral feeding: -South and West Hertfordshire: hct.westherts.hef@nhs.net - East and North Hertfordshire: hct.enhertshef@nhs.net . See "additional details" for linksWhole care home approach: - South and West Hertfordshire: 079207723577 (Tuesday 2pm-4pm) - East and North Hertfordshire: 07876 597532 (Thursday 10am-12pm) Home enteral feeding: - South and West Hertfordshire: 01727732013 - East and North Hertfordshire: Central administration hub: 030012375718am - 5.30pmMonday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays.No we are not open on Bank HolidaysNoICB nutritional guidelines:

    Whole care home approach:

    - South and West Hertfordshire: hct.westherts.dietcarehome@nhs.net   

    - East and North Hertfordshire: hct.eastnorthherts.dietcarehome@nhs.net   

    Patient referrals - online referral portal (excluding enteral feeding):

    - South and West Hertfordshire: https://forms.hct.nhs.uk/NDAdultsSouthWestReferral/NDAdultsSWReferralForm/#!/

    - East and North Hertfordshire: https://forms.hct.nhs.uk/NDAdultsEastNorthReferral/NDAdultsENReferralForm/#!/AcceptanceCriteria  

    Home enteral feeding:

    -South and West Hertfordshire: hct.westherts.hef@nhs.net  

    - East and North Hertfordshire: hct.enhertshef@nhs.net

    AL7 1BW
    Community primary care level mental health support.Integrated Care Team - Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation TrustResidential care homes; Homecare and supported living servicesEast and North HertsWhen care providers need community primary care level mental health support.hpft.integratedcareteam@nhs.net This inbox is monitored each day between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday but not constantly and should not be used for an urgent response. Any referrals requiring same day/24 hour response please contact HPFT SPA on 0800 6444 101 which is open 24/7.01707 364 070 - not for urgent calls as voicemail facility. Any referrals requiring same day/24 hour response please contact HPFT SPA on 0800 6444 101 which is open 24/7. 0900-1700.Monday - Friday,NoNo
    Learning disability supportAnnual Health Check Support with People who are Hard to EngageAll individuals (14yrs +) with a learning disability who require support, advice, guidance to access their GP AHC.When additional support is required that cannot be resolved by following guidance and support on our website www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/ldprofessionals . We support the GP to engage individuals with their Annual health check to overcome barriers and identify reasonable adjustment.purplestarstrategy@hertfordshire.gov.uk0900- 17:00Mon-FriClosedClosedFurther information and AHC tools can be found on our website
    Link to website
    Learning disability supportCreative practitioner and Purple all-starsAll ACS and wider health provision, social care and general publicAll9am to 5pmkate.harding@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845 3729am to 5pmMon-FriClosedClosedThe creative practitioner supports the community learning disability nurses, acute liaison nurses and social work service to deliver individual support in a creative way. They lead and manage the purple all-star group which delivers health and communication campaigns in partnership with NHS and Hertfordshire University
    Learning Disability SupportPurple Star Strategy TeamAll via GPSouth and West; East and NorthWhen you have a good or poor experience for a person with a learning disability we need this feedback so we can support the surgeries to improve and credit the surgeries that are working well with people with a learning disability to overcome barriers to equitable health outcomes.PurpleStarStrategy@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 84468109.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayClosedClosed

    The Purple Star Accreditation is given to GP Practices in Herts that demonstrate a commitment to bridging the health inequalities gap faced by people with a learning disability and taking steps to enabling equitable health outcomes. They are supported, enabled, and monitored in achieving and maintaining the standard. 

    Useful Links:

    My LD Health

    Hertfordshire "My Purple Folder"

    Community Learning Disability Nursing Service - YouTube



    For Patients with Needle PhobiaFor Patients with Needle PhobiaCare HomesSouth and WestHPFT support patients with needle phobia and the referral route is the same as for any other IAPT referral: https://www.hpft-talkingtherapies.nhs.uk/Online referral belowOnline referral below09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayClosedClosed

    Online referral route - here

    Please can you encourage people to make a self-referral via our patient portal available on our webpage HPFT-iapt.nhs: Homepage | HPFT IAPT Services (hpft-talkingtherapies.nhs.uk)

    Nursing SupportPeople with a Learning Disability unable to tolerate vaccines and blood testsAll adults with a learning disabilityAll HertfordshireContact when you have someone with a Learning disability who needs a blood test or vaccine and you have been unable to achieve this using reasonable adjustments and working with the generic servicesthe appropriate adult care service team and make referral for community learning disability nursingthe appropriate adult care service team and make referral for community learning disability nursing09.00 - 17.00Monday - FridayClosedClosed

    The learning disability nurses work with the GP and with experts within Herts Community Trust to take steps that are beyond reasonable adjustments to overcome barriers where all reasonable adjustments have been attempted.

    Learning Disability Nursing SupportHealth Liaison TeamAll adults with a learning disability across HertfordshireSouth and West; East and NorthThe Health Liaison Team are part of the community Learning disability nursing service which covers nursing services that are countywide. This is part of Adult Care Service but also covers adults aged 18-25 within the 0-25 team too.healthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 845372(am to 5pmMonday - FridayClosedClosed

    For specific role within the health liaison team look at the details under

    • Epilepsy Specialist
    • Health Equality Nurses
    • Hospital Prevention of admission team
    • Acute Liaison Nursing
    • Experts by Experience
    • Purple Star Strategy
    • Creative Practitioner and Purple All Stars
    Learning Disability SupportExpert by Experience AdvisorAll of Hertfordshire relating to people with a learning disabilitySouth and West; East and Northwhen you would like training relating to health outcomes and people with a learning disabilitypurplestarstrategy@hertfordshire.gov.uk01438 8453729am to 5pmMonday to FridayClosedClosed

    Alongside the LD nursing service the experts by experience advisor adds depth to training by sharing personal experiences. They can also be a strong voice in service adaptions and individual barriers by sharing own experiences and helping people with a learning disability hear direct from someone else who has been through similar experiences.

    Immediate Access to Emergency Drugs Scheme - Pharmacy ListEmergency DrugsAll ProvidersSouth and West; East and NorthWhen emergency drugs are needed via prescription during business hours. This document (see link in "Additional details" section) details pharmacies signed up to the scheme, providing accurate, timely information as to where palliative care medicines can be accessed during normal business hours.Healthcare workers If you are a healthcare worker and you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to this website or content, please contact the relevant team using the email addresses below: Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation Team: hweicbhv.medicinesoptimisationteam@nhs.net Clinical Pathways Group: hweicbenh.clinicalpathways@nhs.net Clinical Policies Group & Evidence-based interventions: hweicbwe.clinicalpoliciesgroup@nhs.netN/A9am to 5pmMonday to Fridayn/an/aPlease visit this webpage for more information - click here
    Stoma Nurse Contacts – Acute Trusts / Community ServiceStoma Nurse Contacts – Acute Trusts / Community Servicecare homes and home careEast and NorthWhen neededstomacare.enh-tr@nhs.net01438 2841338am to 4pmMonday to FridayN/AN/ASG1 4AB
    Stoma Care ServiceSouth West Hertfordshire Stoma Care ServiceCare homes and Home careSouth and WestWhen neededwestherts.stomacare@nhs.net01923 2174898am to 4pmMonday to FridayN/AN/A
    Stoma Nurse ContactsWest Essex Stoma Care ServiceCare homes and Home careWEST ESSEXWhen neededpaht.stomacare@nhs.net01279 8270729am to 5pmMonday to FridayN/AN/A
    Village/Town/CityBoroughNHS LocalityArea of Hertfordshire
    AlburyEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    AldburyDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    AldenhamWatfordWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    AmwellSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    Ansells EndNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    AnsteyEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    ApsleyDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    ArdeleyEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    ArkleyHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    AspendenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    AstonStevenageStevenageEast and North
    Aston EndStevenageStevenageEast and North
    AstropeDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Ayot GreenWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Ayot St LawrenceWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Ayot St PeterWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Babbs GreenWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Bakers EndWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    BaldockNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Ballingdon BottomDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    BarkwayNorth HertsOut of Herts- CambsEast and North
    BarleyNorth HertsOut of Herts- CambsEast and North
    Barleycroft EndEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    BarnetEast HertsLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    BarwickEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    BatchworthThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Batchworth HeathThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    BatfordSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    BayfordEast HertsLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    BedmondThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Bell BarSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    BelsizeThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    BengeoEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    BeningtonEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Bennetts EndDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    BerkhamstedDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Birch GreenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Bishop's StortfordEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    BorehamwoodHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    Bourne EndDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    BovingdonDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Bower HeathSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    BoxmoorDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Bragbury EndStevenageStevenageEast and North
    BramfieldEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    BraughingEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Braughing FriarsEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Breachwood GreenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Brent PelhamEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    BrickendonEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Bricket WoodSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    Briden's CampDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Brookmans ParkWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    BroxbourneBroxbourneLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    BucklandEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Bucks HillThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    BuntingfordEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Burnham GreenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Bury GreenEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    BusheyHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    Bushey HeathHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    BygraveNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    CaddingtonDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    CaldecoteNorth HertsNorth HertsSouth and West
    Carpenders ParkThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Chandlers CrossThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Chapmore EndEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    CharltonNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    ChauldenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Cherry GreenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    CheshuntEast HertsLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    ChipperfieldDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    ChippingEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Chiswell GreenSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    ChorleywoodThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    ClothallNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    CockernhoeNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    CodicoteWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Cole GreenWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Colliers EndEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Colney HeathSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    Colney StreetSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    CommonwoodDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    CotteredEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Cow RoastDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Croxley GreenThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    CuffleyHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    Dane EndEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    DasselsEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    DatchworthNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    DigswellWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    DudswellDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    EastburyThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    EastwickEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    ElstreeHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    EssendonEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    FeldenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Fields EndDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    FlamsteadDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Flamstead EndDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    FlaundenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    FrithsdenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    FrogmoreSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    Furneux PelhamEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Gaddesden RowDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    GadebridgeDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    GarstonWatfordWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    GilstonEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    Goff's OakBroxbourneLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    GosmoreNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    GraveleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Great AmwellEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Great AshbyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Great GaddesdenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Great HormeadEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Great MundenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Great OffleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Great WymondleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Green EndEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Green TyeEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    GubblecoteDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Hadham FordEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    HarpendenSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    HastoeDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    HatfieldWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Hemel HempsteadDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    HeronsgateThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    HertfordEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Hertford HeathEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    HertingfordburyEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    HextonNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    High CrossEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    HighfieldEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    HitchinNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    HockerillEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    HoddesdonEast HertsLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    HormeadEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    How WoodSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    HunsdonEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Hunton BridgeThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    IcklefordNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Kimpton, HertfordshireWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Kings LangleyThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    King's WaldenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Kinsbourne GreenSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    KnebworthNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    LangleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    LeavesdenWatfordWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    LemsfordWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Letchmore HeathHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    LetchworthNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Letchworth Garden CityNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Leverstock GreenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    LilleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Little AmwellEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Little BerkhamstedDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Little GaddesdenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Little HadhamEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    Little HormeadEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Little OffleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Little WymondleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    London ColneySt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    Long MarstonDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    LoudwaterThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Mangrove GreenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Maple CrossThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    MarkyateDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    MarshalswickSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    MeesdenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Micklefield GreenThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Mill EndThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Moor ParkThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Much HadhamEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    Napsbury ParkSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    Nash MillsDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Newgate StreetEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    NewnhamNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    North MymmsWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    NorthawHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    NorthchurchDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    NortonNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    OaklandsWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Oakleigh ParkNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    OffleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Old Hall GreenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Old HatfieldWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Old KnebworthNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Old Town StevenageStevenageStevenageEast and North
    OxheyThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Peters GreenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Piccotts EndDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    PimlicoDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    PirtonNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Potten EndDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Potters BarHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    PrestonNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    PuckeridgeEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    PuttenhamDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    RadlettHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    RadwellNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    RedbournSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    ReedNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    RickmansworthThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    RidgeSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    RoystonNorth HertsOut of Herts- CambsEast and North
    Rush Green, HertfordEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Rush Green, LangleyNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    RushdenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    SandridgeSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    SarrattDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    SawbridgeworthEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    ShenleySt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    ShenleyburyHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    SmallfordSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    South OxheyThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    SpellbrookEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    St AlbansSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    St IppolytsNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    St Paul's WaldenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    St StephensSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    Staines GreenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    StandonEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    Standon Green EndEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    Stanstead AbbottsEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Stanstead St MargaretsEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    StaplefordEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    StevenageStevenageStevenageEast and North
    Tea GreenNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    TewinWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    The PelhamsWatfordWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    ThorleyEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    ThundridgeEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    TonwellEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    TringDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Tring StationDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    TringfordDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    TurnfordBroxbourneLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    WadesmillEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WalkernEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WallingtonNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    WalsworthNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    Waltham CrossBroxbourneLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    WareEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WaresideEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Warner's EndDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Water EndWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    WaterendDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    WaterfordEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WatfordWatfordWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Watton-at-StoneEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Welham GreenWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Well EndHertsmereHertsmereSouth and West
    Wellpond GreenEast HertsStort Valley and VillagesEast and North
    WelwynWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    Welwyn Garden CityWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    West HydeThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West
    Westland GreenEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WestmillEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WestonNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    WheathampsteadSt AlbansSt AlbansSouth and West
    WhempsteadEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WhitwellNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    WidfordEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    WiggintonDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    WillianNorth HertsNorth HertsEast and North
    WilstoneDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Wilstone GreenDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    Woodhall FarmDacorumDacorumSouth and West
    WoollensbrookBroxbourneLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    Woolmer GreenWel/HatWelwyn and HatfieldEast and North
    WormleyEast HertsLower Lea ValleyEast and North
    WyddialEast HertsUpper Lea ValleyEast and North
    Abbots LangleyThree RiversWatford and Three RiversSouth and West

    Should you experience any issues with any of these services, please contact the HCPA care provider hub 01707 708108 / assistance@hcpa.co.uk