The Care Space tool is a group session designed to encourage people to consider their own self-care and wellbeing in a compassionate and supportive environment. This tool has been designed for anyone to use in a virtual setting, to respect the current challenges on time and space and limitations on face-to-face interaction; thank you for joining many others who are using these essential ‘pop up’ spaces for their teams and colleagues. In these challenging times, we know that the pressure on individuals and teams has the potential to mount, so finding space to re-set, re-charge and re-commit will be crucial in encouraging people to leave the pressures of work behind for a protected short period of time. We know that the pressures are not just felt by clinical or ‘frontline’ staff and we encourage all staff in HCPA to engage in this tool. You can expect to join a group discussion focussed around what we are grateful for, what self-care means to each of us and make a pledge of self-care for ourselves to take forward into the rest of the day.

Care Space will be running in January – March for the following sessions:

  • Weds 26/1/22 12-12.30
  • Tues 1/2/22 4:30-5:00
  • Mon 7/2/22 4:00-4:30
  • Friday 18/2/22 4:00-4:30
  • Weds 23/2/22 12:00-12:30
  • Weds 2/3/22 9:30-10:00
  • Thurs 10/3/22 4:00-4:30

If you would like to join in, please email and she will add you to the Microsoft teams invite.