So that we can continue to offer you and your service the best marketing and promotion possible it is important that you submit your content for mailers and social media in good time for us to copywrite and schedule your content. Written content for mailers should be signed off prior to being sent to the marketing inbox.

With regards to social media posts, it is your responsibility to send content to the marketing team to be copy written and scheduled. You know your services inside and out and are best placed to write the initial content we need to build on. We would ask that you send one to two weeks of content in advance. This can be sent as a word document or emailed to

If you are stuck for ideas, please take a look at these top tip for writing social media posts;

  1. Do your research. If you want your audience to notice and engage with your social posts, you need to make them highly relevant to your target group. …
  2. Speak their language. …
  3. Develop your voice. …
  4. Be positive. …
  5. Keep it short and simple. …
  6. Use images and videos. …
  7. Add a call to action…