HCPA’s Provider Hub

ASK us anything! 

We are your support service, here to answer your questions on all topics Adult Social Care related. 

01707 708108 / assistance@hcpa.co.uk

(Mon to Fri – 9am to 5pm)

Provider Hub

Click on the icons below to quickly find other important information.
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The Resource Library

The Resource Library (formerly known as the Members Zone) is here to help all HCPA Members access local and national
resources, tools, guides, and contacts in a wide variety of areas.

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A directory that enables providers to easily search for support services, such as Hospital at Home, Admission Avoidance, End of Life, Intervention Vehicles, Nutrition, Medication, sensory services and many more helpful services.

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infection prevention and control

Find information on all things IPC including links to up-to-date guidance, posters for your organisation and audits and competencies to use.


Reporting an outbreak

To report an outbreak or positive cases please contact your local Health Protection Team:

0300 303 8537, then select option 1

If calling about an ongoing outbreak or the setting has previously contacted HPT for advice, then it would be useful to have the HP zone number reference number to hand.

HPT can also be emailed eastofenglandHPT@ukhsa.gov.uk (for non-patient identifiable information)

Click here for the outbreak action checklist

Please remember to inform the provider hub assistance@hcpa.co.uk and your monitoring officer of cases and outbreaks.

For further health support, please use 999 in emergencies, or 111 for support.

Prioritisation of COVID-19 outbreaks in the UKHSA Health Protection Team - what does this mean?

To ensure health protection services remain safe and effective a layer of prioritisation is being applied to low-level outbreaks of COVID-19 by UKHSA.

What does this mean?

Outbreaks (2  or more cases) should continue to be reported to UKHSA via contact number: 0300 303 8537/ email address: EastofEnglandHPT@ukhsa.gov.uk (please do not include patient identifiable information in an email). We are confident that settings are equipped with the skills to manage the outbreak with established processes and in line with national guidance. You will receive an email response with instructions to contact UKHSA HPT if :

  • Cases are showing severe presentation of illness*
  • Any hospitalisation or death due to respiratory symptoms
  • Operational issues
  • Flu is confirmed
  • Outbreak is not under control but increasing number of cases
  • Any other concern

UKHSA Health Protection Team will only follow up  outbreaks where there are 3 residents or more, especially if  any of the factors mentioned above  are also present

This change will be kept under review during the winter months.

*Both NICE  & NHS England  provide definition of disease severity – Severe presentation of illness may include breathlessness, inability to complete full sentences, respiration rate >30 breaths per minute, reduced oxygen saturation level, new confusion, chills/rigor, difficult to rouse.

Reporting an ARI (including COVID-19) outbreak

Reporting an Acute Respiratory infection outbreak (including COVID-19)

The New Web-based Care OBRA Tool is now available in the East of England region (Thursday 7th March 2024).

The Tool allows Adult Social Care (ASC) settings only to report new outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI’s) including COVID-19, Influenza (flu), unidentified ARI (e.g. chest infections) and single cases of Influenza. This tool should be used only when reporting a new outbreak of acute respiratory illness. Any updates to an ongoing outbreak should be emailed directly to eastofenglandHPT@ukhsa.gov.uk

The Care OBRA tool can be accessed here: https://forms.ukhsa.gov.uk/ReportAnOutbreak

To contact UKHSA East of England, please use the in-hours phone number for all calls 24/7 – 0300 303 8537.

Contact the Provider Hub

If you would like to contact the Provider Hub then please call us on 01707 708108 or e-mail us via the button below.