Are you part of the most hardworking team you know?
Nominate your outstanding team for a Hertfordshire Care Award! Nominations for this year’s Hertfordshire Care Awards have been coming in thick and fast, but we want to make sure the best teams in the care sector are celebrated, so if you think you’re part of an...
End PJ Paralysis – 70 day challenge
Care providers can play a part - find out how The #EndPJparalysis Challenge 17th April -26th June 2018 If you had only 1,000 days left to live, would you want to spend them in your pyjamas, or in a hospital? The End PJ Paralysis Challenge highlights the importance of...
International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI)
Descriptions of modified food and liquid are changing The Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust has issued a Patient Safety Alert regarding the introduction of new liquid and food descriptors for service users who are on modified consistencies and texture diets. From...
HCPA Member’s Network Event – Weds 20th June 2018
Safeguarding and Risk Management for Managers Bookings are now open for the next Member’s Network Event, which is due to take place on Wednesday 20th June at Shendish Manor Hotel in Hemel Hempstead. This event will focus on safeguarding and risk management updates for...
CQC announces regulatory fees for providers for 2018/19
Source: CQC You may remember last year that we highlighted that CQC were running an open consultation regarding fees. At the end of March the CQC outlined the fees that health and adult social care providers in England will pay from April 2018 to cover the costs of...
Insurance: How to Keep Your Premiums Down
Source: Towergate Insurance How to keep your premiums down but still have the right cover Our trusted partners, Towergate Insurance, have shared the following article with us to share with members to give advice on how to keep your insurance premiums down, whilst...
Staff on lower payscales or zero hour contracts could be affected
Transfer to Universal Credit may impact your care staff Many people, especially staff on lower payscales or zero hour contracts, may be worried about the upcoming transfer to Universal Credit and could have questions about how this may impact upon any benefits they...