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Influenza Season 2018/19: Use Of Antiviral Medicines

Message from Department of Health and Health Education England Surveillance data indicates an increase in influenza cases in the community. Prescribers working in primary care may now prescribe and community pharmacists may now supply antiviral medicines for the...

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Amendment of Guidance on Requirement to Display Ratings

Source: CQC The public has a right to know how care services are performing, so to help them do this Regulation 20A became a legal requirement in April, 2015. This means: All registered providers that have received a CQC rating have to display it Ratings must be...

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Leadership in Adult Social Care

Source: CQC This article, written by Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, Former Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at the Care Quality Commission, talks about how leadership can make a significant different in the Adult Social Care sector: Leadership Matters Carol Services...

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Creative Care Career Pathways

24th January 2019 | Fielder Centre | Hatfield Business Park By 2036, over 20% of Hertfordshire's total population are expected to be aged 65 or over. The growth in the elderly population, combined with increasingly complex care needs, calls for a crucial upturn in the...

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Nutrition at End of Life…

We need your input! We have received an important survey from Hertfordshire Community Trust regarding Nutrition at End of Life, which they are currently reviewing. We’d be really grateful if you could spare 5 minutes to complete the following survey which consists of...

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Supported Living framework

Responses to questions received Dear member, We understand that there will be a new Supported Living framework tender going live early in the new year. We have been in discussion with commissioners in advance of this and there has now been a FAQ resource developed,...

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Winter Bed Pressures and new PHE out-of-hours contact details

How can you make a significant difference? Dear member, Following previous winter pressures, HCPA have collaborated with HCC on how you can provide significant support for bed pressures and effectively utilise HCPA tools and services for this winter. Here are some...

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