Podcast -In conversation with Professor Chris Fox: The Evidence for Personalisation
Source: Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP) Professor Chris Fox discusses his work to develop a stronger evidence base for personalisation and to ensure policy makers nationally and locally are responding to that evidence base. Professor Chris Fox is Head of the...
Guidance for getting involved with Making it Real
Source: Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP) Making it Real is a framework for how to effectively perform personalised care and support. It is designed for people working in health, adult social care, housing, and for people who use care services. It is an easy...
Review of the National Autism Strategy ‘Think Autism’: Call for Evidence
The government wants to hear from people with autism, their families and their carers about their experiences of care and support. Source: Consultation description In April 2014 the government published ‘Think Autism’, a strategy for meeting the needs of...
Psychotropic Drugs and People with Learning Disabilities or Autism
Source: In June 2016, NHS England launched a programme, STOMP, to reduce the extent of over-prescribing of antipsychotics and antidepressants to people with learning disabilities, autism or both. This study was commissioned by NHS England to devise a...
New HertsHelp Factsheet- Ideal for Home Care staff to give out to service users
An updated easy-read guide is now available The new easy-read HertsHelp Facesheet is now available and contains independent information, advice and support in Hertfordshire. This easy-read guide can be viewed and printed by clicking on the link below. » Click...
Connected Lives
Demonstrating Your Outcomes - Working Group As part of the roll out of Connected Lives across Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire County Council commissioners have been working with care providers of all types for the last two months to develop a new Outcomes...
Immediate Access to Emergency Medicines Summary
Source: HVCCG Adult Palliative Care The Herts Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (HVCCG) would like to inform care providers of the local enhanced service for immediate access to specialist drugs that would not ordinarily be kept in stock, but may be required...