A New Sepsis Song produced by The Purple All- Stars
The Sepsis song is aims to educate people with learning disabilities and the people who support them, to know what sepsis is, and when someone has possible signs to remember to always ask the health professionals ‘Is it sepsis?’ Please see the link below to...
Learning Disability Review of Mortality- Report
The third annual report of the English Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) programme is now available It presents information about the deaths of people with learning disabilities aged 4 years and over notified to the programme from 1 July, 2016 – 31...
Helping Improve the Health of People with Learning Disabilities
A friendly reminder to use the Learning Disability My Health website There has been a website developed for people with learning disabilities, and carers, to access to ‘help with their health’. This website can be accessed using the link...
HCPA’s Adult Disability Support Forums
Hosted four times a year in March, June, September, and December HCPA runs the Adult Disability Support Forum (previously known as Learning Disability Support Forum) quarterly following the Members Network events. These are a great opportunity for all Adult Disability...
Heat Wave Guidance
Preparing for a Heatwave Many people enjoy the hot weather but there can be serious health consequences from too much heat and vulnerable groups are particularly at-risk in prolonged hot spells. High temperatures have significant health consequences and are associated...
Deserving Dignity – End of Life Care for People with a Learning Disability
Source: Integrated Health & Care Commissioning Team- Hertfordshire County Council The Hospice of St. Francis is hosting an end of life care course for people with a Learning Disability. This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to promote dignity at the...
Supporting the Mental Health of People with Learning Disabilities
Source: Skills for Care People with a learning disability are more likely to experience poor mental health but they are less likely to have access to adequate support. This week is #LearningDisabilityWeek and Skills for Care are launching new resources to...