Zero Hour Contract Rights
Understanding the complex nature of remaining legally complaint with Zero Hour contract laws Zero hours contract staff rights remain a major talking point for employers. With nearly two million people in the UK relying on them for work, it’s important for you...
React To – Falls Prevention
Identifying, preventing, and managing Falls for Care Homes and other healthcare providers ‘React To’ is a series of training resources developed by healthcare professionals. Although aimed at care home staff, these resources are also relevant to other carers...
Social Media Guidance
Source: The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman The LGA (Local Government Association) recently investigated a case where a care staff member took photographs of herself while in the properties of those she was caring for, including the complainant, and posted...
DBS Checks: Tips on how to fast track your application
How to spot common but easily-correctable mistakes that often cause delays or rejections of DBS checks Full Five-year Address History At the top of the list of the most common reasons for delayed or rejected DBS checks are errors with address history. Ensure...
React To Moisture- Moisture Damage
Identifying, preventing, and managing moisture lesions for Care Homes and Other Healthcare Providers ‘React To’ is a series of training resources developed by healthcare professionals. Although aimed at care home staff, these resources are also relevant to...
NICE Guidance in Social Care: July 2019
Advice on giving medicines covertly, dementia, depression in children and young people, and hearing loss This NICE quick guide will be an invaluable reference resource for care home managers and home care managers as it summarises the key actions that need to...
Did you get free flu vaccinations for your staff last year?
Source: Public Health England NHS England now offers the flu vaccine to Social Care and Hospice workers through GPs and community pharmacies, to complement occupational health programmes provided by employers, to help increase vaccine uptake. NHS England would...