Every Mind Matters
Source: CQC Public Health England and the NHS have collaborated to launch Every Mind Matters to help people take simple steps to look after their mental health, improve their mental wellbeing and support others. The new platform enables people to create a...
Improving How The CQC Assess Closed Environments
Source: CQC In light of recent concerns raised about the care for people with a learning disability and/or autism, who may also have a mental health problem, the CQC has written to providers asking them to consider how they are ensuring that the people for whose care...
Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism: What to expect
Source: NICE Autism affects people in different ways; it can bring strengths but also some challenges that can impact how comfortable, healthy and happy people feel. Getting the right diagnosis and support is important. Consequently, NICE has produced a quick guide...
World Mental Health Day Highlights An Important Issue
Source: Health & Safety Executive (HSE) The 10th of October was World Mental Health Day, and employers should remember that mental health problems can affect anyone, on any day of the year. HSE's website has guidance on mental health in the workplace. There...
Shout about it!- Hertfordshire Pohwer
A forum for people who care for someone who is disabled, elderly, vulnerable or feels alone Do you want to find out what services are available to you in Hertfordshire? If so, for the sixth year running, Hertfordshire Pohwer are running a free event open to all, which...
Is Your Service Prepared For A Flu Outbreak?
Helpful resources to support your service throughout influenza season We have worked with the local NHS and Public Health England to create some helpful resources to support you and your service through this year’s influenza season, which has started now and is likely...
Statement about the Liberty Protection Safeguards
Source: Skills For Care In May 2019, the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act became law, and replaces the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) with a new scheme known as the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS). There is a national group working to develop a Code of...