New Tender Opportunities are available!
Various tenders are available to our members HCPA have compiled a list of several new tendering opportunities for various client groups within the adult social care sector. To support our members, we have put this list on our website with a link to the...
EU Settlement Scheme Update
Communication from the Home Office Update #1: The EUSS remains fully open for applications The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) has been fully open since 30 March 2019 and there have been over 2.2 million applications. EU citizens and their family members have until...
Flu Resources are available on our website!
Did you know that last year there were 3,500 reported cases of influenza of which 24% were fatal? (Source: Public Health England). Did you also know that the flu vaccine doesn’t contain live bacteria or viruses? So it’s impossible to contract influenza from it! ...
Complete the Annual Health Check Questionnaire
For everyone living in Hertfordshire with a Learning Disability People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people, but this does not need to be the case. Annual health checks are for adults and young people...
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Vital education for senior care practitioners and managers on pressure ulcer prevention On the 21st of November, ‘React to Red Skin’ are offering a Pressure Ulcer Prevention train the trainer sessions as part of National Pressure Care Day. These sessions are to...
The Future of Adult Disability Accommodation
Hertfordshire County Council’s plans to meet the accommodation needs of Adults with Disabilities A recent Adult Disability Service (ADS) stakeholder engagement networking event was an opportunity for stakeholders to meet with other Housing Associations,...
International Infection Prevention Control Month
Ensuring good hand washing prevents the spread of disease and protects lives The proper washing of hands is one of the most important things that can be done to help prevent and control the spread of many illnesses. Good hand hygiene will reduce the risk of...