Increase to the minimum wage and other statutory rates
The government has confirmed that minimum wage rates will increase from April 2022. The rates are to change as follows: National Living Wage (23+) £8.91 - £9.50 21–22-year-old rate - £8.36 - £9.18 18–20-year-old rate - £6.56 - £6.83 16-17-year-old-rate - £4.62 - £4.81...
DHSC – Social care reform
In December 2021, the DHSC announced plans to develop and support the social care workforce over the next three years, as part of their long-term vision for reform. They have produced free information and resources about how they’re transforming social care and what...
Health and safety law poster – what you need to know
The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989, requires employers to either display the HSE-approved law poster or to provide each of their workers with the equivalent leaflet. The poster explains British health and...
Hertfordshire Policy on Mental Capacity – Issue 9
Please note that Issue 9 of the Hertfordshire Policy on Mental Capacity is now available on the HSAB website: Hertfordshire Policy on Mental Capacity Mental capacity assessment form HCC’s MCA app provides a quick reference to the key principles of the Act.
Revoking the regulations for mandatory vaccination for people working or deployed in care homes
The government is proceeding with revoking vaccination as a condition of deployment in all health and social care settings. The government conducted a public consultation from the 9th until the 16th of February 2022 on whether to revoke provisions which require...
Living with COVID-19: Support for the care sector
The government’s plan for removing the remaining legal restrictions while protecting people most vulnerable to COVID-19 has been published. The legal requirement for the public to self-isolate was removed on the 24th February 2022. People with COVID-19 or with...
Update From The CAS Helpdesk: Change In Communication For Medicines Supply Issues
The Medicines Supply Team at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Commercial Medicines Unit at NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) are now accredited issuers of National Patient Safety Alerts for medicine supply issues. From week commencing 14th...