Updated Infection Prevention and Control in adult social care guidance
The guidance on how to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in adult social care settings has been updated. Click here to read the full guidance. These excerpts are not changes but you may want to refresh yourself with the guidance around isolation. We have highlighted...
Herts and West Essex ICS health and care organisations – what has happened to CCG’s?
A new website has been created to help you navigate your way around the Herts and West Essex ICS health and care organisations. To find out more about the Integrated Care Partnership, the Integrated Care Board, the Health and Care Partnerships or the New Hertfordshire...
Cost of living advice in Hertfordshire – may be useful for staff or vulnerable people living independently
To help people struggling to manage the increasing costs of food, fuel and other everyday essentials, HCC’s Money Advice Unit has brought together a comprehensive guide for citizens. The online guide brings together advice on topics including managing energy costs,...
Mandatory learning disability training for staff of CQC-registered providers
From 1st July 2022, all health and social care providers registered with CQC supporting this client group must ensure that their staff receive training in how to interact appropriately with people with a learning disability or autistic people, at a level appropriate...
NICE Easy read guides
NICE easy read guides provide accessible information for people who have difficulty with reading. If you support people with a learning disability or mental health problem then you may want to share these with them. See below some easy read guides that may be useful...
Continue shaping CQC’s future approach
As a key part of CQC’s new regulatory model and single assessment framework CQC will identify the types of evidence they will use to assess specific types of providers. This evidence will be used to understand the quality of care against previously shared quality...
Spread the word about #DogSafety
Leading animal welfare organisations have teamed up to produce a shareable infographic to encourage safe interactions with dogs. They have recently seen several tragic dog attack fatalities, so it’s paramount that owners are equipped with the knowledge and skills they...