What if you could detect neurodegenerative diseases earlier in your patients? Participate in a Workshop on Saturday the 24th of February 2024.
The Academy of Medical Sciences, Alzheimer’s Research UK and the Alzheimer’s Society are hosting a cross-sector policy workshop to explore whether and how primary care and community care could help detect neurodegenerative diseases earlier using novel diagnostic technologies.
Earlier detection could streamline referrals to specialist diagnostic centres, enabling more timely diagnosis and support (including advice about disease-modifying lifestyle factors, access to emerging therapies, and opportunities to participate in research).
They are seeking care practitioners in primary care, social care and community care to participate in the workshop, to bring their perspective on what would be possible and helpful for their practice.
Please send expressions of interest or questions to Dr Anna Hands at anna.hands@acmedsci.ac.uk by Friday the 26th of January 2024.