Click here for the Infection Prevention and Control in adult social care acute respiratory infection guidance

Changes to COVID-19 testing policy from 1st April 2024

From 1 April 2024, the following changes will be made to COVID-19 testing to align with other respiratory infections while continuing to protect those at higher risk of serious illness:

The guidance has been updated in line with these changes to testing from 1 April 2024.

Outbreak management for COVID-19 will align with other acute respiratory infections (ARIs). This means routine supply of free COVID-19 LFD tests for outbreak management in care homes will end. Instead, the local UKHSA Health Protection Team (HPT) will advise if PCR testing is deemed appropriate to test for a wide range of respiratory viruses and identify the cause of an outbreak. Providers should continue to follow guidance Infection prevention and control in adult social care: acute respiratory infection – GOV.UK (, notify UKHSA HPT of a suspected outbreak, and initiate risk assessments where able.

Routine COVID-19 lateral flow device (LFD) testing of asymptomatic individuals prior to discharge from hospital into care homes is no longer required. Testing may still be undertaken, based on local risk assessment by the hospital together with the care home, for example during outbreaks.

Testing for individuals eligible for COVID-19 treatments

Providers should familiarise themselves with the full eligibility criteria for COVID-19 treatments, identify people who may be eligible and ensure LFD tests are available if needed. These tests should be accessed via NHS via local pharmacy. The cohort of people eligible for COVID-19 treatments has been expanded following updated NICE recommendations.

Further information on how to access COVID-19 treatments is available here: Treatments for COVID-19 – NHS (