Network events, virtual seminars & workshops 2024
We have now run successful virtual managers networks for managers in Care homes, Home care, Adult Disability Services / Mental Health Services. In our sessions we cover an array of topics including- IPC and PPE, funding, staff and manager well-being, remote verification of death, medication, risk assessments, testing, CQC- Emergency Support Framework and Recruitment
Feedback from managers told us that they felt supported and really liked the opportunity to speak with other providers and share ideas.
‘I really enjoyed the meeting yesterday and look forward to taking part again!’
These networks give busy managers the opportunity to speak with other managers to share experience, learn from each other, and to ask questions. These will be facilitated by the HCPA management team and will open with key information for the particular service type. The floor will then be open for Care Managers to discuss anything that is on their mind. The facilitator will cover any other topics that have been requested by managers on registration and additional experts will be brought in where necessary.
They are meetings for you, so please make sure you suggest topics and questions to be discussed within the booking form and we will get through as many of these as possible in the hour we have allocated for the meet.
Looking for the slides and resources for our previous Network Events? Click here for our past events resources.