Source: CQC

You may remember last year that we highlighted that CQC were running an open consultation regarding fees. At the end of March the CQC outlined the fees that health and adult social care providers in England will pay from April 2018 to cover the costs of their regulation.

The fees follow a public consultation held by the CQC in 2017. The responses to the consultation were answered by the CQC, and you can view the response here.

The only sector that will see an overall increase in fees is the community social care sector, which is in line with their four year trajectory to full chargeable cost recovery. The CQC have provided a list of examples of the fee changes that community social care providers, NHS trusts and NHS GPs can expect, please see below:

  • A community social care provider with 1 location and 15 service users will see their fee decrease from £2,192 to £926
  • A community social care provider with 3 locations and 50, 100 and 45 service users at each of the locations will see their fee increase from £6,093 to £9,643
  • An NHS trust with a turnover of £120 million will see their fee decrease from £158,902 to £85,200
  • An NHS trust with a turnover of £681 million will see their fee increase from £322,249 to £483,510
  • An NHS GP provider with 1 location and a patient list size of 5,200 will see their fee decrease from £4,526 to £3,473
  • An NHS GP provider with 2 locations and patient list sizes of 10,000 and 8,300 at each of the locations will see their fee increase from £8,371 to £11,449.

These changes will only apply to the community social care providers – all other sector providers will maintain their current fee level.

To read the update from the CQC in full, and to download the Fees Scheme Guidance please visit the CQC website.