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Bed care prevention & management of contractures – Cohort 06

February 25 @ 10:00 - 16:00


hcc hcpa



Course fee: Non-member: £68+VAT | Associate Member: £51+VAT | ACE Member: £45+VAT | HCPA Full Member: Fully funded*

One day course at HCPA Campus
The number of people requiring bed care appears to have risen since the pandemic, leading to a variety of challenges for both clients and care providers. This course aims to provide knowledge on the decision-making process for individuals at risk of receiving permeant bed care. Delegates will learn to consider all factors to prevent long-term bed care dependency, incorporating practical solutions at both the carer and provider levels.

The course also addresses the outcomes of increased bed care management for both staff and those under our care. This includes the management of contractures and guidance on leveraging external agencies for additional support.

Learning objectives:
• Understand the impact and risks of long-term bed care management.
• Recognise the factors that increase the risk bed care.
• Explain how to prevent the risk of being cared for in bed through:
• Simple Seating, Activity and Posture
• Goals, actions, and evidence
• Understand the impact of contractures and how to support people who have developed them.
• Explain how to support people when long term bed care is necessary.

*Please note: As per our T&C’s, this course carries a fee in the event of non-attendance, non-completion or late cancellation.
Bookings of more than two delegates per site may be amended to allow access to all member organisations at the discretion of HCPA.
Delegates who are late may not be admitted into the training and a cost incurred.


February 25
10:00 - 16:00
Event Categories:
Care Staff, Team Leaders/ Seniors
Day Opportunity, Direct Payment/ Personal Assistant, Flexi Care/ Extra care, Homecare, Nursing Home, Residential Home
Older People
Non-member fee:
Associate Member fee:
ACE Member fee:
HCPA Member fee:
Fully funded
Funding Stream:

In Person

6 Going
18 remaining