Basic Life Support with Approved Training Provider Study Room Training

Study Room Training, Weltech Business Centre, Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 2AA

Half day course at Study Room Training, Weltech Business Centre, Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 2AA £66per person (£20pp can be claimed back from the Hertfordshire Mandatory Training Grant via HCPA - funds permitting) This is a good refresher for staff to practice CPR, use a defib and to use a choking vest. Learning […]

Prevention & Enablement – Cohort 03

HCPA, Mundells Campus, Mundells, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 1FT

    Course fee: Non-member: £75 | Associate Member: £56 | ACE Member: £51 | HCPA Member: Fully funded* One day course at HCPA Campus This course focuses on falls prevention and Enabling Care. Recent guidance on the physical and mental health benefits of being more: active, empowered, and independent, now emphasises what has been […]
