Medicines reconciliation

‘Medicines reconciliation’ is the process of accurately listing a resident’s medicines. Following several recent medication errors, please can home managers and clinical leads remind their staff about the importance of ‘medicines reconciliation’ when residents come...

Tramadol and warfarin

A coroner has called for action to raise awareness of the interaction between tramadol and warfarin, after a Hertfordshire patient taking the combination died from a brain bleed in January 2021.The woman had been prescribed tramadol for lower back pain and had also...

Conotrane Cream update

Conotrane Cream is Hertfordshire & West Essex  Integrated Care System ( HWEICS ) first line barrier cream ICS wound care products formulary. Due to a change in manufacturer and subsequent availability issues Conotrane cream was removed from GP prescribing systems...

Accurate ‘Medicines reconciliation’

The below message has been sent from Maxine Davis, Lead Pharmaceutical Adviser, Social Care Integration, Hertfordshire, and West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB). Following several recent medication errors, the ICB care home pharmacy team would like to ask care home...

Emollient creams update

The guidance on the expiry date of emollient creams once opened has changed! Emollient creams can now be used for 3 months after opening regardless of if they are dispensed in a pump, tub, or tube. All emollients should be for named residents and the date of opening...