The New 111 Service

Dear Manager, We are delighted to say that this feedback is now being taken forward by the new 111 service. This means Care Homes will have direct access to clinicians. To develop this, 111 are holding a forum on the 16th October 10am – 12pm in Welwyn Garden City. The...

The Mandatory Funding Cap is now £500

Important: October update HCPA continues to work in partnership with the Local Authority and endeavours to make a contribution towards your training costs. If you use HCPA approved training providers for your staff training in any of the specified subjects, you are...

Have you met your cap for Mandatory Funds?

If you have used HCPA approved training providers since 1st April 2017, you can submit a funding claim for eligible courses. 30th September marks the last day you can send your forms to us in order to claim back up to £1,000 so please make sure you get your forms back...

Fire Safety Study Days

Following the tragic events of the Grenfell Tower fire, Adult Care Service (ACS) and HCPA have been working with Herts Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS) to consider what advice and support to offer care providers in Hertfordshire in relation to fire safety. HFRS will be...

NICE: Delirium and new quality standards

In NICE’s August newsletter they provided some very useful links on Recognising and Preventing Delirium. Additionally, they have also announced that they will shortly publish a new quality standard that looks at the transition between inpatient mental health settings...