Better Health, Better Me Event: 22nd Feb

The Integrated Health and Care Commissioning Team at HCC are holding an event to support adults with Learning Disabilities to understand how to look after their health and keep well. This is a free event for adults who live in Hertfordshire and have a learning...

Contract tender opportunity

The Integrated Health and Care Commissioning Team at HCC recently shared a notice about a tender for the Provision of a Children and Young People’s Mental Health Early Intervention Service that we wanted to share with our members.  Please read below for further...

Help Stop Loneliness This Christmas

Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) are currently working on a campaign to help older people and vulnerable adults to combat loneliness in the winter months, particularly over Christmas. To help the campaign be a success, they will need your help! A main element of the...

NEW Adult Events Directory

Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) has recently developed an events directory similar to the SEND children’s directory for adults. This has been created to help you find events for older adults, carers, and people with learning disabilities, quickly and easily online....

The Safeguarding Adults App is now available!

The Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adult Board (HSAB) SAFA App is free to download and has been designed to act as a prompt for professionals across Hertfordshire. The app provides simple guidance on what to consider when completing a Safeguarding Adult concern form, how...