The Future of Adult Disability Accommodation

Hertfordshire County Council’s plans to meet the accommodation needs of Adults with Disabilities   A recent Adult Disability Service (ADS) stakeholder engagement networking event was an opportunity for stakeholders to meet with other Housing Associations,...

Changes to the Provider Information Return

Source: CQC   CQC has made improvements to the Provider Information Return (PIR) In June this year, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) sent out updates about the improvements they were making to their Provider Information Return (PIR). From 7 August 2019, CQC...

HCPA’s Adult Disability Support Forums

Hosted four times a year in March, June, September, and December HCPA runs the Adult Disability Support Forum (previously known as Learning Disability Support Forum) quarterly following the Members Network events. These are a great opportunity for all Adult Disability...

St. Albans & Hertsmere Women’s Refuge

A safe space to talk about the forms of Domestic Abuse, safety planning and where to turn to for help.   St. Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge are hosting a Domestic Abuse Talk. The details are as follow:   Date: 25th of March, 2019 Time: 10am-12.30pm...