Care Home Prevention Falls Services

HCPA wanted to send a reminder of the services available to you when someone has fallen in your care homes. As you know residents have much better outcomes if they don’t have admissions to hospital or long lies while waiting for an ambulance. Hertfordshire have...

Evac slides and non-slip flooring: Please check

Recent inspections of fire safety have highlighted a risk that some evac-slides do not work effectively on non-slip floor coverings. As residential Care Providers may use different types of evac-slides from those used by the Hertfordshire Fire Service, it is...

Hot water bottles

There have been quite a few recent articles in the press over the safe use of hot water bottles, given their increasing popularity. We would like to take this opportunity to remind Care Providers about safe usage of these devices. Please remember: Capacity assessment...

Emollient creams update

The guidance on the expiry date of emollient creams once opened has changed! Emollient creams can now be used for 3 months after opening regardless of if they are dispensed in a pump, tub, or tube. All emollients should be for named residents and the date of opening...