You may be aware that since rebuilding the website we have not had a Member Zone, as we used to have. This is because we have been working hard to develop a new Member Zone that makes it easier for our members to find what they are looking for, and we’re very happy to announce that this part of the website is now open and available for HCPA Members to use!

In the new Member Zone you will find a host of information, toolkits, guidelines, information from events, and presentations across a broad range of topics, so you can find the right support in just a few clicks, in one convenient place.

There is a huge amount of information and support available in the new Member Zone, including some of the latest guidelines from NICE:

Quality improvement resource for adult social care and 5 new quick guides.

New guidelines, including;

Quality standards, such as;

We will be adding to the Members Zone frequently so please check back here often!

Make the most of the information in the newly designed Member Zone

The Member Zone is located at the top in the navigation bar on, or can be visited by going directly to

Please note: You will be prompted to log in, if you are not already.

Log in to using the button in the top right in the menu, or clicking here.

Members that are already logged in will see ‘Logout’ instead.

Please log in using the details provided in your original HCPA Membership welcome email, or alternatively give us a call on 01707 536020 and we will be happy to help.


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