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The 6C’s Culture Check

What is 6C’s Culture Check?

Our 6C’s service is an effective way of gathering information and feedback from your staff on how they view the culture of your provision.  It will help you identify the loyalty of your staff and therefore aid your retention and recruitment process.

This survey looks at the culture of your provision through 6 different areas:

  • Care
  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Commitment
  • Competence
  • Communication

This is a user friendly and quick online survey, which is anonymous, and the final report is easy to read and includes comments, where given, from your staff members.


Why use our 6C’s Culture Check service?

By using our 6C’s service you can determine the “health” of your provision and the stability of your staff, from this you will be able to identify areas that you may wish to develop to strengthen and progress.

Cultural Values in Care (CVC)

What is the Cultural Values in Care Service?

Our new CVC service is an easy-to-use online survey, which gathers information and feedback from your staff and those who use the service on how they feel the organisation supports the culture, traditions and preferences of everyone, and how they foster a community of acceptance, tolerance and understanding of others.

Why use our Cultural Values in Care Service?

The evidence gained from this, and the action plan developed from the outcomes will provide evidence for CQC and PAMMS of the seven DHSC Universal Sector Values and will demonstrate your organisations desire to work in a person-centred way, following the Connected Lives Principles.


Use the resources in the boxes below to gain ideas to support your staff to feel happy, healthy and more comfortable in their roles.

We are also offering the chance to gain a Staff Wellbeing (SWELL) Charter Mark which will highlight to prospective clients and staff your commitment to a proactive and resilient workplace.

Achieve this by showing us evidence of:

  • Assigning a Staff Wellbeing Guardian in your workforce.
  • Demonstrate what you have been doing and identify what you are planning to put in place for the future to ensure continued support for your staff.

For more details contact

Complete your action plan here

Staff Wellbeing Guardians


Help & Support

Self Care

Recognition & Rewards


Work Environment


Career Pathways

Care Professional Academy: Rewarding Adult Care Staff while tracking professional development

The Provider Portal is an extension of the existing Academy portal with some additional features for you as an employer including:

  1. Identify which individuals training is expiring, and monitor and inspect your employees’ current accreditation’s and qualifications.
  2. Create bespoke training plans based on their individual needs.
  3. Sign up your staff so they can be kept up to date with the most current information about working in Adult Social Care.
  4. Rewards and motivate your employees to engage with training and development opportunities by providing them with exclusive rewards and discounts through the Academy.

Staff Wellbeing Guardians

Staff Well being Guardians – gives support and direction

We recommend that you ask one of your staff to take on this role, and if you wish to apply for your SWELL Charter Mark then you will need to show that you have appointed one.

Your Staff Wellbeing Guardian needs to be someone who is:-

  • Interested in your own and others well-being and have an understanding of healthy lifestyles and health promotions.
  • Promote particular health campaigns by raising awareness with colleagues; contributions to social media campaigns and keeping updated on well-being initiatives (Continuous Professional Development)
  • Enthusiastic and motivated to help to make a difference in your faculty or service by championing and promoting relevant health messages and events at {insert organisation name}
  • Attend and actively contribute to monthly meetings.
  • Involvement in workplace health and wellbeing events
  • Attendance at Training events, Practitioner events
  • Friendly and approachable.
  • A positive thinker.
  • Innovative and creative.
  • Enthusiasm and drive to manage the projects you are passionate about
  • Keen to share ideas and actively seek new ways of promoting well-being
  • Contribute to impact measurements


Examples of activities that could be offered:-

  • Promoting particular health campaigns through poster displays, emailing colleagues, giving out leaflets and updating colleagues at meetings you attend and your team meeting (e.g. World Mental Health Day, National No Smoking Day).
  • Organising activities, e.g. a lunch time walk, book club or hobby group.
  • Signposting colleagues to relevant services.
  • Encouraging colleagues to participate in your Wellbeing initiatives/challenges.
  • Championing and promoting relevant health messages and events in house or the local community
  • Providing information to colleagues about Wellbeing in your organisation
  • Role modelling and promoting a healthy culture within the workplace.
  • Involvement in events, collaborative working with others in the community

You could also set up Staff forums where you can listen and feedback staffing issues "you said – we did"

You could set up a suggestion box – maybe offer a voucher for any suggestions taken up

Have "Guardians" from both night and day staff to ensure everyone is being supported and listened to

Remembrance or Acknowledgement

Examples of activities that could be offered:

Garden/wall of remembrance

Hertfordshire County Council has opened its new Garden of Reflection at County Hall.

The garden was designed for staff by staff with the aim of giving them a quiet space to visit and reflect on the coronavirus pandemic as and when they wish.

It features a 19-foot round paved area complete with a bench, rose arch and a selection of flowers and plants, including the Hertfordshire rose and Absent Friends rose, and the plant Angel Wings.

As part of the project, the council has also teamed up with Groundwork East to produce a short information booklet for organisations, such as care homes, who may also wish to create their own memorial garden or contemplation corner.

The contemplation booklet gives some tips on creating a space, what plants to use and how to look after the area as it develops. To view or download the booklet CLICK HERE.

We would love to hear how your memorial garden or contemplation space is progressing. If you would like to share this with us, please email your plans and progress in photos to

Virtual book of remembrance

Rooms named after staff who have passed away

Include families

Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection

The past couple of years have been a difficult time for the entire adult social care workforce, which is why a Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection has been launched, hosted by The Care Workers' Charity and fully endorsed by our Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy in this heartfelt post for the DHSC Social Care blog.

Meanwhile, care colleagues can make use of a life assurance scheme for frontline NHS and social care staff who contract coronavirus during the course of their work. It is non-contributory and covers staff who provide care for people who have contracted coronavirus or who work in health or social care settings where the virus is present.

Details of how to claim can be found on the NHS Business Services Authority website

Book guide and signposting for grief and bereavement

This guide recommends books that can lend a hand in helping to understand and cope with grief, for yourself or those around you. There are recommendations for adults, young people, and children. These books are all available from Hertfordshire Libraries on free reservation. In this guide, you can also find helpful signposting to resources that can support you in coping with grief and links to key organisations working to support those who have been bereaved.

Breaking the taboo – Death Positive Library Project

"If you never know sorrow then you will never know love and if you never know death then you never know life" Kevin Toolis My Father's Wake

A Death Positive booklist has been created to help break down taboos around death and dying. The project also wanted to help readers to find support in specific circumstances, such as with practical advice, when explaining death and dying to children, ways to celebrate a life and memorialise someone, and exploring global funerial activities and celebrations.

Help & Support – Counselling

Examples of help available:

» Click here for a Wellness Action Plan to complete with staff on induction or in a supervision


Samaritans are here to listen to anyone who's struggling to cope, at any time of the day or night.

Call us any time, day or night 116 123

Looking after your mental health during winter

Winter can be a difficult time for many of us and it is normal to feel anxious. Do not suffer in silence – there are several organisations and services that can help support you to look after your mental health and wellbeing without a referral.

Click here to see a list of services that can support you

My Health My Way

My Health My Way is a confidential space for people working in health and social care to look after their wellbeing and find support.

  • Find local in-person support for a range of health and wellbeing topics
  • Get instant access to free webinars, online classes, articles, podcasts, and more
  • Achieve lasting lifestyle changes with action plans and one-to-one virtual support from a behavioural coach

» Find an Action Planning Tool and other great resources at Home (

Menopause Matters

An astounding 90% of women experiencing the menopause report feeling unable to talk to their managers at work and one in ten consider giving up work. Let's break the taboo over this natural life event.

» Click here for a guidance on menopause and the workplace
» Click here for information on the menopause from the NHS

Looking after your mental health

Let's face it, things have been difficult for everyone over the last 18 months. That's why it's so important to look after your mental health. NHS Every Mind Matters gives simple practical tips from sufferers and videos from experts on dealing with COVID-19 , stress and anxiety , boosting your mood, sleeping better and what you can do to help others.

You can also get your personal Mind Plan here.

Finding ways to cope

You may be concerned about how working from home, or working in challenging situations might affect you.

MIND has great information on coping with difficult feelings and looking after your wellbeing. Click here to view their information.

Self-manage and feel in control

Free online and in person courses and sessions to support mental wellbeing and personal recovery for anyone over 18 living in Hertfordshire.

How about Art expression for mental wellbeing or Mindfulness for everyday life?

» Click here to find out more and book courses/seminars

Preventing work-related stress

In Great Britain 822,000 workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2020/21.

Whether people are lone workers, shift workers, home workers, or surrounded by colleagues, it is important that they feel connected and know where to go when they need support.

The HSE Talking Toolkits can help to start conversations to identify causes of stress for your workers and identify possible solutions.

Visit HSE's website for more guidance on managing work-related stress.

The Working Minds campaign raises awareness about how to recognise and respond to the signs of stress to protect workers and support good mental health to help people stay well.

Read the latest Working Minds blog 'Handle change, avoid stress' from Kate Nowicki, Director Strategic Planning, Performance and Change at Acas.

Businesses and organisations can support this campaign by becoming Working Minds Champions.

Health and wellbeing – Mental Health UK (

Trying to relax can make you stressed – here is why and what to do about it.

You could be 'stresslaxing' – you try to relax, only to find yourself overwhelmed with feeling stressed and having negative thoughts. It could be because:

  1. You're in denial about being stressed
  2. You worry about what people will say
  3. Making decisions is too stressful

Three reasons why you feel stressed when trying to relax – and what you can do about it (


Self Care

Examples of how to help yourself:

..What is 'Self-Care'? It means something different to everyone. A good self-care practice starts with self-awareness, you must learn to recognize what are your needs and how are you going to fulfil them.

» Download the Self-Care Workbook from here

Why we should start using pronouns









Using your pronouns tells everyone that you are not going to assume their gender, and you don't have to be LGBT+ to start. It is an important move towards real inclusivity in the workplace and wider society. It creates a healthier, safe space so everyone can bring their 'whole self' to work and be respected for it. Support your trans and non-binary workmates and friends by reducing some of the burden on them to continuously explain their identity.»

» Click here to read more on why we should start using pronouns

Care Professional Academy – Directs to many benefits e.g. "here for you" and special offers







» Click here for more information

Encourage staff to ask for more supervisions, one to one time, or just a chat – either face to face or video to prevent any issues building up

Set up a good mentoring system for new staff – can help the mentor just as much as the new staff member

Direct staff to Breathing Space to help with debt worries

» Find out more here

Protect your money from fraudsters

Get Safe Online have produced a website checker to help you stay safe online. Simply type of paste in the website address and click "Check this site".

Click here for the website checker

Click here to find out how to stay safe when using the internet and mobile banking

Click here for help on manging the cost of living from HCC

Help someone who is feeling lonely









Loneliness is something that can affect us all, young or old, at any point in our lives. We might live in a busy city or a rural location, on our own or with others and still feel isolated.

There are plenty of simple actions you can take to help lift someone out of loneliness and in doing so, it might help you to feel less lonely too.

» Click here for more information

Be part of the change when you witness abuse

Even small acts of recognition and support can help prevent abuse.

Click here to find out how you can be part of the change.

If you are experiencing abuse, it's never your fault and you do not have to deal with it alone.

Find out what support there is for you by clicking here.

Money Helper

Would you like to feel more in control of your finances? try checking out the new 'Couch to Financial Fitness' programme – a free and flexible nine-week plan. The weekly steps and helpful tools can help you cut your spending, and create better habits for the future.

» Find out more here

Finance Health Check







Money worries do affect your mental and physical health.

Find expert information about money and debt at the Money Advice Service.

» Click here for information from the NHS on coping with money worries and job uncertainty during COVID-19

If you're worried about money or need help managing your money, click here to find free, confidential advice.

Help to manage the cost of living

We all need a little support from time to time. We've collated resources that offer advice and practical help to manage finances and make savings while also helping the environment.

You can find more information on our website.

Losing track of the world around you when you gamble?

According to the Guardian (2022) it is said that up to 1 million women in the UK are at risk of harm from Gambling.

Anyone concerned about their gamling, or that of a loved one, can visit Be Gamble Aware for free, confidential advice and support.

The National Gambling Helpline is available on 0808 8020 133 and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Avoid COVID-19 fraud and cheats






» Get the NHS COVID pass FREE from here

» Click here for more information on fraudsters and the COVID-19 Pass

Get Singing!

Singing always makes you feel good, not just in the car or in the bath. There are friendly local groups open to all such as

Or, try a local signing group to have fun and feel energised. No audition or experience required.

» Find out more here

Ideas to get started on caring for yourself

MIND have some great resources to help you focus on Self-Care and a book recommendation: The Self-Care Revolution: smart habits & simple practices to allow you to flourish a book by Suzy Reading

It's also free to borrow from your local library.

Sleep well

Sleep deprivation can have a serious impact on emotional, physical and mental health. Find more information and support via The Sleep Chairty here.

» Click here for lots of information from the Sleep Hub

» Click here for information on foods that can help aid sleep and what to avoid

» Click here for the NHS self-help tips to restore your energy levels

» Click here for advice on how to get a good night's sleep from Every Mind Matters

Would you like to take up a hobby or learn a new skill?






The Open University offers free resources so you can learn coding, how to play an instrument, learn another language and more.

» Click here to find out more

New Step2Skills Short Courses and Workshops




Hertfordshire residents can enjoy new Step2Skills short courses and workshops this summer, many are fully-funded and free to join.

Ranging from how to write a business plan, Healthy living made easy, or Tunisian Crochet – an introduction. There are also family learning summer holiday workshops.

» Click here to find out more

Would you like to connect more with art?

Trying new things helps with wellbeing and looking at art can lift our mood, make us think, and help us to communicate with each other. Here are 5 steps to help you to enjoy and appreciate art.

» Click here for 5 simple steps for looking at art

Selfcare through poetry







Reading and writing poems can be good for your wellbeing. Learn more about writing poetry for self-care here.

How to stay stylish and sustainable – and find out what's swish!








If you're thinking about what you can do to help save the planet, look in your wardrobe! With tips on buying smarter, how to reuse, care for, swap and recycle you can help to reduce the 7000 tonnes of textiles binned, which could have been reused or recycled.

» Click here to find out more on how you can fight fast fashion

Get started on being more sustainable

Want to be more sustainable but not sure where to start? has easy tips and ideas you can try that are good for you, your wallet, and the environment. From saving money on your energy bills to easy fashion hacks and ways to make your food go further, there's something for everyone.

How to go plastic free

  1. Get a refillable bottle. Request tap water for free as a customer at any licensed premises, also the Refill campaign has refill locations.
  2. Use a reusable cloth shopping bag. Leave cloth bags in your car, and in your bag or rucksack so they're handy.
  3. Carry a reusable flask for hot drinks. Ask coffee chains to fill your flask. You'll also avoid the #LatteLevy, saving money.
  4. Say NO to plastic straws when ordering a drink out, or take a reusable one with you. #StrawsSuck.
  5. Choose natural fibre clothing, like organic cotton, hemp or bamboo. Polyester, lycra and nylon are all plastic fabrics and cause micro fibre pollution. They can cost more, but do last longer so save money long term.
  6. Go for cloth nappies instead of disposable.
  7. Swap wet wipes. Switch makeup and baby wipes for a flannel and water, and cleaning wipes for rags or towels.

For more tips to reduce use and recycle see: #PlasticFree | Hertfordshire County Council

The Five Ways to Wellbeing

» Learn more here

Look after your mental health

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.

We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, so discover what works for you.

You can also find simple ways to lift your mood with Every Mind Matters (NHS).

Managing stress







It's easy for life and work to get on top of us, and the stress can eventually affect your mental health. There are tips and ideas to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing so you can be your best at work and at home.

Find out how to 'Take your thoughts to court'. Get practical tips for improving your nights' sleep. Discover nearly 6 extra weeks of leave by using your lunchbreaks with Laura Archer, author of 'Gone For Lunch: 52 things to do in your lunch break'. Learn lots of little ways you can help manage stress every day.

» Click here to read more

When you need to de-stress – how to plan a mental health day

  • Start your day thinking about why you're stressed and steps you might take to improve things.
  • Release tension through creativity, crafting or journaling can help take your mind off issues.
  • Getting active helps too especially if you can get out into nature. Or try meditation or yoga.
  • And maybe consider how you can fit your de-stress activities into your life for ongoing mental wellbeing.

» Click here for tips on planning your mental health day

Act – Belong – Commit for good mental health








Just as with physical health, there are simple and practical ways that can help everyone to enjoy good mental health. It's estimated that 50% of people in OECD countries will experience mental illness in their lifetime. A simple model that can be adopted by anyone known as "Act-Belong-Commit", promotes keeping active, building stronger relationships with friends, family and community groups, and committing to hobbies, challenges and meaningful causes. Together it's a simple "do-it-yourself" approach to enhancing mental health.

» Click here to find out more

Feel better, Live more

Everyone has the ability to feel better

I borrowed one of Dr Charrerjee's books and I'm working some of the tips and ideas into my life. It's about making it easier for yourself to become more healthy. Have a look at Dr Chatterjee's website listen to a podcast, or read one of the books (free from the library).

Five Steps to stop being overwhelmed

Do you sometimes feel a sense of panic that you don't know where to begin? Spotting the signs and taking action sooner rather than later is key to being in control.

» Click here to find five helpful tips to stop overwhelm

Help to save the bees when Spring arrives









Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. You can help by planting garden flowers that provide forage for a wide variety of pollinating insects.

» Click here for advice and downloadable lists on plants for pollinators

How else can you help? Here are some ideas…

  • Allow lawn 'weeds' to flower by cutting less often
  • Provide water for pollinators
  • Avoid using pesticides whenever possible
  • Never spray open flowers
  • Provide nest sites for wild bees

» Click here for more advice



Recognition & Rewards

Examples of rewards that could be offered:

Simple "thank you" – in supervision in a group or ad hoc – a little 'thank you' can go a long way






Staff feel appreciated when they can display their achievements and can wear their badges with pride on their lanyard. E.g. their Academy badges.


Extra A/L







A suggestion from one of our SWELL Charter Mark Holders is to find a local massage therapist who can come in once a week and spend some hours on the premises allowing staff to float in and out on their break time to have a quick refreshing neck or shoulder massage etc (simmilar to what you see in shopping centres)







This can be something as simple as a box of chocolates, biscuits or fruit bowl in the staff room with a thank you on it (don't forget to leave some for the night shift too!)

Employee of the week




Reward a staff member who has gone above and beyond or who has shown acts of kindness – get all your staff to nominate who should win, and then draw out of a hat.

Long service awards







Traditionally, the benchmarks for loyalty rewards are 5, 10 and 20 years long service. However, this can vary depending on the service. Common awards include champagne, badges or certificates, additional annual leave or a small bonus.


Examples of activities that could be offered:


Getting back into exercise



If it's been a while it's best to take things slowly and build up gradually, spend less time sitting if you can, do a variety of activities, and work on smaller muscles as well as the big ones.

» Find out more

Hertfordshire Health Walks



Free, guided walks encourage people to get more active and enjoy their local surroundings.
» Find out more or register here

Yoga groups

Yoga with Adriene

Subscribe for free sessions – for beginners, for back pain, mind and body and more.

» Click here to subscribe to yoga with Adriene


Cycle to work (GOVT initiative)

The provider can help by putting in bike racks etc.

» Read the Government guidance here

Hertfordshire Cycling


Hertfordshire Cycling (formerly the Year of Cycling) is a project HCC started in 2014 to encourage people to take up, increase or return to cycling. Information include cycling routes, clubs and training courses.

» Find out more here


Encourage all staff to join service users in exercise on regular basis – make it fun



Use certificates; member sets own individualised goals and get a certificate when they achieve it


Sport England

Get active Sport England have put together tips, advice and guidance on how to keep or get active in and around your home. Find 10 tips to get you started and free online content.

» Click here to find out more

The It's Never Too Late to be Active campaign is back again to help adults in Hertfordshire – especially the over 50s – become more active. By joining the campaign, you'll receive a free one-week pass to a local leisure centre, so that you can try new activities for free.

Just 20 minutes of physical activity a day is all you need to get enormous benefits to your physical and mental health, both now and in the future.

So come on, let's give it a go. Sign up to Never Too Late and keep your body strong, your mind sharp and spark the energy you need to keep doing the things you love.

It's never too late to be active | Hertfordshire County Council

Would you like to get fit at home?






The Coach to fitness programme from Our Parks is free of charge via YouTube. The plan involves 3 video sessions a week, with rest days in between, and a different schedule for each of the 9 weeks. Each video class is hosted by three different coaches, all working at different energy levels. So if you need to take it easy, you can, but if you want to push yourself, there's a coach who's really going for it!

» Click here to view the couch to fitness programme

Staying motivated to exercise







It's tough to stick with resolutions to exercise more, but perhaps aiming too high or doing activities that you don't enjoy is the problem.

Why not switch to something that you do like and start small to make success easier? Make it simple to get going such as leaving your running shoes by the door, putting your yoga mat in your car or joining an exercise class with a friend to encourgaed eachother.

» Click here for some more tips on how to stay motivated

Develop your strength and fitness







We should do muscle strengthening exercises twice a week. For example, carrying food shopping bags in from the car or even walking uphill may both help us build strength.

Plyometric training involves jumping and skipping and it improves strength, muscle size and muscle speed, alongside improving coordination.

» Click here for more information

7 Benefits of Gardening that prove it helps your mind and body







  1. Gardening Burns a lot of calories
  2. It can lower your blood pressure
  3. Spending time outside is good for your bones.
  4. Growing your own food can help you eat healthier
  5. Garden can relieve stress
  6. It can provide a source of community
  7. Gardening can make you happier

The Healing Power of plants

Studies have reported a wide range of health benefits from gardening such as: reductions in depression, anxiety and body mass index as well as increases in life satisfaction, quality of life, and sense of community.

Even indoor plants can improve mental and physical health providing emotional benefits. Some plants can also remove pollutants from the room.

» Click here to find out how to care for indoor plants


Work Environment

Examples of ideas that could be offered:


Work with staff to improve staff room and facilities – this can include things such a snack bar, quiet room or even having some team photos around the office/staff room.

Have a fridge available for staff to store their lunches

Room to rest not just get a quick bite and catch up on paperwork

Music in background or calming noises e.g. water or birds

Book corner – swap and share

Notice board "for sale items" birthdays, happy events – can be a real notice board or virtual

Plants – Green areas – quiet area for supervisions and or coaching especially in Home Care Companies – multiple studies have found that being near indoor plants can lower stress levels.


Arco (discount available on their clothing to aid comfort, either individuals or companies through The Academy) – if you're a HCPA member then you can get exclusive discounts at Arco.

Happiness at work

Why should you be encouraging happiness at work?

  • happiness goes hand-in-hand with good health.
  • happy employees are the most vocal and persuasive advocates for their organisations.
  • happiness, is like laughter, it can be contagious.
  • Happiness supports professional fulfilment, and so retention of staff.

While it is great to highlight happiness in the workplace for a week, we want this to carry this on for the whole year, so here are a few ideas to give you a kick start:

1. Encouraging safe social activity – from organising work team meals out , to zoom quizzes, encourage your staff to get to know each other outside the work environment.
2. Happiness Lottery! Put the names of all your workers in a hat, have someone else randomly pull out two or three names, and give out surprise gifts. Could be an extra holiday (woohoo!), a cake from the local store, 4-hours flex time, a voucher for the supermarket, toiletries "¦ If you're in tune with your team, you will know beforehand what type of activity or gift they would appreciate.
3. Employee of the week – reward a staff member who has gone above and beyond or who has shown acts of kindness – get all staff to nominate
4. Recognise staff members who are not as out-going and support them to join in
5. Birthday list and employment anniversary – just to acknowledge and celebrate.
6. Make sure you are showing a happy face, and saying thank you and praising staff when you see things – not just waiting until meetings or supervision. Remember happiness is contagious.
7. Internal news-letter, with fun quiz and news
8. Ask for and display quotes from staff on a notice boards of things that have made individuals happy either that week or in general 'Raising awareness of the things that bring about happiness.'
9. Plants or flowers around are always uplifting and good for health – even if you have hay fever sufferers, there are a lot of beautiful foliage plants to brighten the work place.
10. Make time in all meetings to celebrate things and to identify positive happy activities to plan together.




























Managers – have your say on NICE guidelines

New consultation on draft mental wellbeing at work guideline

Our updated draft guidance on mental wellbeing at work aims to help those supporting the social care workforce. Consultation on the draft recommendations is now open.

If you are interested in strategic approaches to improving mental wellbeing at work, we encourage you to let us know your thoughts on:

  • supportive work environments
  • external sources of support
  • training and support for managers and supervisors
  • approaches for employees who have or are at risk of poor mental health
  • organisational-level approaches for high-risk occupations
  • local and regional strategies and plans

Click here for the NICE consulation


Examples of ideas that could be offered:

This could save your life – Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer symptoms Debra James wanted us to know about

  • bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your stool
  • a persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit
  • unexplained weight loss
  • extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
  • a pain or lump in your tummy

Knowing the symptoms could save your life.

There is more information on potential signs and symptoms of bowel cancer on the NHS website here.

Mental Health Peer Support Group

About this event: We are a friendly, safe peer support group where everyone is welcome. We come together to walk and chat without fear of judgement.

Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.

»Click here to register for free

Address your stress

» Click here for further resources from Mental First Aid England

Healthy Hubs

Healthy Hubs are a free one-stop shop for health and wellbeing information, advice and support, making sure you get the help and guidance that is right for you.

There are a number of Healthy Hubs across Hertfordshire. Each one has teamed up with a range of local services to ensure that you can access the help you need to stay healthy and well.

»Click here to find out more

Boost your immunity with flu and COVID-19 booster vaccinations







Please take up offers of these vaccines to protect yourself, your families and others.

» Click here to visit a walk in centre or book a jab

» Click here for more information about the vaccinations

Stop smoking today

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you'll ever do for your health.

When you stop, you give your lungs the chance to repair and you'll be able to breath easier. There are lots of other benefits too – and they start almost immediately!

» Click here to find out more on stopping smoking

How is your blood pressure?

Your blood pressure is affected by lots of factors, some are fixed – others you can change. How active you are, whether you smoke and how much alcohol you drink, for example, all make a big difference. Over time, high blood pressure can lead to a number of health problems such as stroke, heart disease or vascular dementia.

Understand the causes of high blood pressure and how to lower your blood pressure with healthy living, healthy eating, medication if needed and home monitoring.

For more information see Blood Pressure UK

Try these blood-pressure friendly recipes, they are low in salt and saturated fat but high in fruit, vegetables and fibre.

Could you be at risk of diabetes?

Every 2 minutes someone finds out that they have Type 2 diabetes, and some ethnicities are at a higher risk.

Take our simple quiz so you can get the right support and avoid long-term health problems. It takes just a few minutes and could be the most important thing you do today.

You may be eligible for your free local NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. This is a mixture of one to one and group sessions delivered by specially-trained health and wellbeing coaches to learn how to prevent diabetes by incorporating healthier eating, physical activity, problem-solving, stress-reduction and coping skills into your daily life. For prevention and treatments click here.

Staying active is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing

Get active – Better Health – NHS have some great resources to help you to build more activity into your days especially '9 simple tips to move more'.

Physical Activity for Wellbeing – Herts Sports Partnership for opportunities to take part in activity within Hertfordshire.

Herts Sports Partnership

Herts Sports Partnership have put together a great list of local services for families

It includes things like park runs, cycle routes and healthy eating as part of the holiday activity programme.

Take a look and keep handy or pass on to a friend.

» Click here to view their page

Getting active at home or joining a class







Desk working, keep moving! Change your position and have regular breaks to walk or stretch.

» Click here to view more tips on how to protect your back

10 small changes you can make today to prevent weight gain

Just a small change can be enough to stop weight gain. Skip the chips/have a veg side, switch fizzy drinks to water or latte to americano, avoid sweets or have half a treat -share or save half for tomorrow, and walk more. Try these tips to consume fewer or burn extra calories to help you manage your weight.

» Check out these 10 small changes you can make today to prevent weight gain

Kickstart your health






Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to improve your diet, get active or quit smoking, Better Health has lots of free tools and support to help.

» Click here to find out more from Better Health

» Click here to find simple ways to lift your mood with Every Mind Matters

Healthy living made easy







This 5 week online course can help you improve your physical and mental health with key 'life hacks' – and a new recipe to try each week.

» Click here to find this and other low cost wellbeing courses

The Mediterranean Diet

Unlike many diet plans, there are no rules or counting; it's simply about adopting a general lifestyle

5 Top Tips For Going Mediterranean

  1. Choose naturally healthy carbs for fibre and nutrients. Try fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, beans, lentils and whole grains.
  2. Base your meals on plants. Enjoy small amounts of meat and add pulses and vegetables.
  3. Fish comes in so many varieties so try one that tempts you the most. If you prefer the convenient option, go for smoked mackerel, frozen fish fillets or canned fish.
  4. Good fats help to make food tasty and to absorb important nutrients. Try rapeseed oil in cooking as it has a high smoke point and save olive oil for salads. Sprinkle on nuts or seeds.
  5. Enjoy your food! Take the time to eat slowly and mindfully and savour the flavours in every mouthful.

From The Food Doctor – Blog where you can find lots of information, tips and recipes

Cruciferous Veg

We may not always like them but vegetables such as kale, brussels and cabbage are extremely good for you. This is because they contain sulforaphane which is a compound that can help prevent cancer, protect your brain and eyesight, and reduce nasal allergy inflammation, according to research.

» Click here to try a delicious roasted cauliflower steak recipe

» Click here for more vegan recipes from around the word

Staying hydrated

Image of water being poured into a glass








Hydration is crucial for your health, but it's also crucial for success at work too. Dehydration impacts your concentration, reaction times and mood, which combined will massively impact your work.

» Click here for tips on how to stay hydrated at work

Are you feeling SAD?









Many people suffer with the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

» Click here for 10 ways to help combat the symptoms of SAD

Rehab for Addiction




Rehab 4 Addiction is a UK-based addiction and mental health helpline and an advisory and referral service.

Rehab 4 Addiction works with a wide variety of treatments to support those in need.

» Click here to visit their website

Drinking more lately?

Check how healthy your drinking is with this quick quiz from alcohol change.

Here are some tips to make it easier to cut down:

  • Book 3-4 drink free days each week into your diary
  • Don't drink before dinner
  • Try some of the great no or low alcohol drinks now available, or create your own mocktails
  • Smaller glasses – yes, it does work
  • Reduce stress in other ways, an activity or meditation
  • Purchase a limited amount instead of bulk buying

If you need free, confidential support then you can contact Spectrum here.


Career Pathways

Examples of ideas that could be offered:


Offer developmental training

Encourage the use of The Care Professional Academy

A portal for you to upload your training certificates and qualifications, and access rewards and discounts for working in Adult Social Care.

» Find our more here

Visit Herts Good Care to see how HCPA's fully funded service Herts Good Care Recruitment can help.




» Find out more here


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