HCPA have received notice from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) that there have been some issues at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) around registration. We have been asked to give nurses who need to re-register with NMC the following information:
- Complete everything as quickly but as carefully as possible
- Be accurate regarding all PIN numbers and dates
- If individuals say they have worked whilst lapsed (the NMC do ask about this) – make sure that the references correspond/they are from those employers – the NMC have to see this
- Any discrepancies/missing information will lead to delays.
- If they have not received emails from the NMC, check NMC online and their junk folders – record details in precis
- If you need help contact the RCN
Anyone who has genuinely attempted to pay and wasn’t able to, please call the NMC and they will resolve your issues.
Anyone who has let their registration lapse (through their own fault), please do not call the NMC. Instead, go to NMC online and follow re-admission to register.
Forms need to be downloaded, completed and sent in the post (best to send recorded delivery 1st class).
At present, annual payers get a ‘grey day’ (the same as with Revalidation) so they have 24hrs to click and pay.
If you have any further questions, please contact John Wilkinson, Senior RCN Officer, on 0345 772 6100