Measles and whooping cough cases are on the rise in Hertfordshire. HCC are asking all frontline staff that work directly with our residents to help get more people vaccinated.


Measles spreads easily and can make people seriously ill. Around 1 in 5 people that get measles will require hospitalisation. Measles vaccination is free via the NHS, and it is never too late to have your Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination. To be fully protected, everyone should have two doses of the MMR vaccination.

Staff working with children, infants, vulnerable residents, and people who are pregnant should ensure they are fully vaccinated to protect themselves and their clients. Staff should also use every opportunity to promote vaccination uptake to support our residents to live healthy lives.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough (pertussis) is particularly dangerous for infants under 6 months old and can be fatal. Whooping cough can cause uncontrollable coughing fits, causing a person to have difficulty breathing, vomit due to coughing or gasp for breath. To protect those most vulnerable, vaccination is offered for free via NHS during pregnancy and as part of the regular immunisation schedule offered to infants (i.e. 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks old).

Staff working with infants and those who are pregnant should promote vaccination, signposting the individual to their GP practice for a free vaccine.

Sadly, as more people fail to take up their free vaccination or have their child vaccinated we are seeing more and more cases of both measles and whooping cough in Hertfordshire. We encourage all staff to work together to help protect our residents, including our most vulnerable residents.