Your business matters to us!
Join us to hear about positive steps you can make in your business approach for a successful 2024… and other important sector updates

With changes a foot in many areas, it is more important than ever to ensure you have robust and up to date policies and systems to take your business through the next twelve to eighteen months.

We have brought together key topics which will help you to build a resilient business, enabling you to continue to deliver the best care to your clients in Hertfordshire.

As usual we will also be joined by speakers from HCC and partners so that you are fully updated on what is happening within Hertfordshire and how to support your care business.

Join us at the wonderful Tewinbury Farm, there is no cost to our members to attend (although places are offered on a first come basis) and brunch and refreshments will be supplied.

09:30 Registration
– HCPA Update
– The New Membership Year, looking to the year ahead with member services.
– Important HR and HSE Legal and Policy Updates – with Strategic Partner Peninsula.
– CQC update – with Strategic Partner Ridouts
– HCC Monitoring update.
– HCPA Business Development, supporting you with inspections.
– Good governance and developing Champions within your business.
– Cultural Transformation
– Staff retention with the Care Professional Academy
– HCC update, Director of Adult Services
15:00 Event Close

Click here for the presentation slides