Applications are now closed








Mini competition: Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training

on Learning Disability & Autism

Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disabilities & Autism education for Health and Care providers in Hertfordshire & West Essex

HCPA is holding a mini competition, open to all Training Providers to support the delivery of the Tier 2 Oliver McGowan training to Health and Care staff in Hertfordshire and West Essex. The opportunity may also include supporting the delivery Tier 1, and will support to build training capacity in the region following the end of this opportunity.
This mini competition is being held on behalf of our delivery work for the Hertfordshire & West Essex Integrated Care System. A panel of stakeholders from within the ICS will evaluate applications and decide which Training Provider/s proposal suit best our sector at the current time.

The elements we will be looking at are:

  • Overall fit within the programme design
  • There is clearly a strong level of knowledge/experience/subject qualifications in the proposed trainer.
  • How far it links with other linked policies and initiatives in Hertfordshire
  • Overall value for money
  • Good understanding of the needs of the sector

A decision will be made based on quality of the proposal and price.

Please note, multiple providers may be selected for delivery, but they are expected to work together and use the same consistent materials (supplied via national teams).

Use this document to understand the aim of the project and the requirements of delivery for any training providers applying.

Hertfordshire Care Providers Association (HCPA) are the lead delivery partner for the Hertfordshire & West Essex Health and Care System roll out of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory training. HCPA have an established training team with extensive experience working in care and are bringing in experts with lived experience as co-trainers to support the roll out.

What is the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability & Autism?
Enabling the health and social care workforce to better support people with a learning disability and autistic people, the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism has been co-produced, trialled, and independently evaluated, and is co-delivered by trainers with lived experience of learning disabilities and autism.

The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a requirement that regulated service providers ensure their staff receive training on learning disability and autism which is appropriate to the person’s role.
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the standardised training that was developed for this purpose and is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff to undertake.  It is named after Oliver McGowan, whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have better training. It is the only training with permission to include Paula McGowan OBE, telling Oliver’s story and explaining why the training is taking place.
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism aims to provide the social care and health workforce with the right skills and knowledge to provide safe, compassionate, and informed care to autistic people and people with a learning disability.
Research has shown that on average, people with a learning disability and autistic people die earlier than the general public, and do not receive the same quality of care as other people. Evidence suggests that effective training can bring about changes in the way people work and drastically reduce these inequalities.

For further information, visit:

Below is a summary of the training outcomes.

Tier 2 training days will be 09:30-16:30. All training will be delivered in person at provider sites, HCPA Campus, or alternative appropriate locations.
Number of delegates per cohort: c.15

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability & Autism (Tier 2)

The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a requirement that CQC regulated service providers ensure their staff receive training on learning disability and autism which is appropriate to the person’s role. This is to ensure the health and social care workforce have the right skills and knowledge to provide safe, compassionate, and informed care to autistic people and people with a learning disability.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff. Training is co-delivered by trainers with lived experience of learning disability and autism.
The one-day Tier 2 course consists of a half-day course on learning disability (morning session) and a half-day course on autism (afternoon session). Both of these need to be completed by learners to have completed The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism Tier 2.
Prior to attending, delegates will have completed the e-learning module and present evidence of completion.
This is a pre-course requirement for everyone attending The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism Tier 2 training.

Who is Tier 2 training for?
Tier 2 is for health and social care staff with responsibility for providing care and support for an autistic person or a person with a learning disability. This is anyone who provides, or who may be required to provide, a service to a person with a learning disability or an autistic person, regardless of how often that may occur.

What does the Tier 2 entail?
Training is co-delivered by experts with lived experience of a learning disability and autism and includes content on:

  • Avoiding diagnostic overshadowing
  • Frequently co-occurring conditions (co-morbidities)
  • The laws: Mental Capacity Act, Human Rights Act, Autism Act, Equality Act
  • Reasonable adjustments including hospital passports,
  • Appropriate application of DNACPR
  • Culture (professional bias and subconscious beliefs); professional behaviour and impact on outcomes and other people’s behaviour
  • How to communicate in accessible ways
  • How to understand what the person (and their family) is saying
  • Ask Listen Do
  • Learning from LeDer

This programme is dependent on trainer’s ability to deliver high level education of learning disabilities and autism, following nationally approved lesson plans.

Training material is for use by those authorised by HEE/NHSE. Those authorised may use them and must comply with the conditions of use put in place by HEE which are subject to review.

No part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of Health Education England (HEE), the copyright owner.
Licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency or any other reproduction rights organisation do not apply. If any unauthorised acts are carried out in relation to this copyright work, a civil claim for damages may be made and/or a criminal prosecution may result.

Invoices are to be submitted to HCPA within 28 days of activity, and providers will be paid within 28 days of receiving the invoice.

The project is open to Training Providers with the appropriate experience, skills and qualifications.

To be considered, participants need to demonstrate the following:

  • A legitimate trading company, registered with Companies House, or Sole Trader
  • Experience of delivering education programmes
  • Experience of working with Hertfordshire/Essex health and/or adult Care Providers
  • A delivery team with appropriate professional qualifications.
  • Experience of delivering similar programmes

Additionally, we are interested if training providers currently working with Experts with Lived Experience that may want to join the Co-training team.

Indicative Timetable

Procurement Stage/Action Date
Issue Invitation 25th October 2023
Deadline for Clarifications from the participant 10th November 2023
Deadline for HCPA to respond to clarifications 17th November 2023
Submission deadline (17:00) 1st December 2023
Announce decisions 15th December 2023
Training For Trainers 8th & 9th January 2024
Amended 9th & 11th January 2024
Shadowed delivery of training, assessment and sign-off approved January & February 2024
Start of delivery of training Once approved
End of Training 30th June 2024*

The timescales are given in good faith as a best estimate of the time required. Although best efforts are made to ensure that these are adhered to, it may be necessary to adjust timeframes to ensure that the process is complete, thorough and equitable.
*There may be the opportunity, subject to funding and performance, for continuation after this date.


Clarification by HCPA
HCPA is under no obligation to seek clarification and it is the responsibility of participants to ensure that their applications are unambiguous and complete, and to seek clarification, if necessary, of HCPA’s requirements.  HCPA, however, reserves the right to contact participants in order to clarify any genuine mistakes, gaps or omissions or in relation to responses to ambiguous questions, ensuring that the principle of equal treatment is adhered to at all times.

Clarification by participants
All clarification questions must be submitted by emailing All such questions must be received by the date specified above. Questions received after the deadline may not be answered.

All Questions/Queries
Participants should note that any information provided in the clarification of points raised by other participants will be advertised on this webpage for all other participants to view. It is important that clarifications, and all such matters are raised well in advance of the clarification deadline.

Please Note: All information provided by HCPA is given in good faith and reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure that the information given is accurate and complete. However, it is the responsibility of the participant to satisfy themselves accordingly as HCPA will assume that participants have sufficient information for this purpose unless notified otherwise.

Application Process
To apply for this funding, we require:

  • The application form completed and returned via the Wufoo form provided.
  • Participants must upload their supporting documentation to the application form where indicated. HCPA shall only evaluate the information which has been provided within each response area. Please do not cross-reference to other forms or provide general covering letters, unless specifically requested to do so.
  • All files uploaded must contain the participant organisation name as part of the file name and clearly indicate the contents of the file.
  • Any participant who does not conform to any instruction within this document may be disregarded.
  • HCPA will not be responsible for, or pay the expenses or losses, incurred by any participant in the preparation of this application. HCPA reserves the right at any time to cease the procurement process and not award the programme or only award part of it.

Submitting Applications
To submit your application, you will need:

  • Complete the application form here
  • Applications must be completed and submitted electronically by the closing date stated above. Please ensure that you have read and understood all the necessary documentation and provided all the information requested.
  • Please make sure you have submitted your application as HCPA will not be held accountable for any errors made by a participant. The form does not permit applications to be submitted after the closing time and date.
  • Participants are advised to ensure they allow sufficient time to submit their application prior to the closing date and time to ensure any issues with uploading the documents can be resolved before the deadline closes.
  • Multiple documents can only be uploaded one at a time or can all be ‘zipped’ together.

Evaluation of Applications
Applications will be evaluated against the following Evaluation Criteria:

Evaluation Criteria Element Maximum Points
·         Qualifications evidence teaching/training credentials for all applicant trainers
·         CV and/or qualifications evidence subject knowledge in learning disabilities for all applicant trainers
·         CV and/or qualifications evidence subject knowledge in autism for all applicant trainers
·         Attach a Lesson Plan, PowerPoint or training resource for an existing Learning Disability training session delivered by the applicant
·         Attach a Lesson Plan, PowerPoint or training resource for an existing Autistic Spectrum Disorder training session delivered by the applicant
Local context  
·         Has experience working with Hertfordshire/Essex health and/or adult Care Providers
·         Demonstrates knowledge of local services and support networks
·         Cost breakdown (including all costs and taxes)
·         Good value for money


Score Rating Criteria for Awarding Score
0 Unacceptable Does not meet any requirements
1 Weak Falls significantly short of meeting requirements
2 Poor Falls slightly short of meeting requirements
3 Satisfactory Satisfactorily meets requirements, with clear supporting evidence
4 Good Slightly exceeds requirements, bringing added value/benefit to the proposed programme
5 Outstanding Considerably exceeds requirements, bringing significant added value/benefit to the programme

Criteria will be scored between 0 and 5 as per above table.

Disqualification of Applications
For the avoidance of doubt, HCPA would like to highlight to participants that if any of the following events occur, HCPA may at its absolute discretion disqualify their application submission:

  • Failure to comply with the requirements of the application process;
  • Failure to comply with any instruction contained within this Application Form, including any mandatory requirements (i.e. Pass/Fail); and
  • Failure to submit an unqualified application. Therefore, participants must ensure that they raise any points of clarification in accordance with the deadline stated.

Please Note: The programme will be awarded on the basis of the terms and conditions issued, subject to any amendments issued by HCPA.  By submitting an application, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

The results will not be announced publicly, you will be informed individually of the result of your application.



Q. I was wondering what the rationale was behind the decision to not allow a sole trader from submitting tender?
This may also preclude other people with the relevant knowledge, skills, qualifications and experience from applying.

A. Sole traders are welcome to apply. Applicants should state “Sole Trader” in the field for Company register number if this applies. A guidance note should be visible on the application form. Further to this query, this has also been added to the information page for clarification for all interested parties.
Applicants can subsequently include narrative and experience in the relevant questions.