In the latest CQC email update they announced that there were new questions to be asked as part of the current system of provider information collection from December. Read below for the full update from CQC:

As part of the changes we are making for our next phase of regulation we will gradually roll out an online process for collecting information from providers from January 2018.

Current system for provider information collection (provider information return)

Until they are invited to begin using the online system, providers will continue to use the current provider information return system.

From 7 December 2017, providers who receive a request to complete a provider information return will be asked a number of updated questions. This is to ensure that the questions we ask are in line with our new inspection framework.

The time period to complete the provider information return will remain at four weeks.

New online system for provider information collection

Until the end of 2017 we will continue to develop the new online system through user research with volunteers. The wider roll out of this online system will start in early 2018.

Providers will gradually be contacted by email to join the new system by registering for an account. We recommend that you ensure the email address we have recorded against your service on our system – you can update your email address if it is not correct. This is so that the invitation is sent to the right email address, and so that we are able to validate your account when you register for the new system.

Providers will have the option to use a single account across their organisation, giving access to view and update information for all their locations. To do this the same email and password login must be used across all locations.

To keep up to date with the latest news from CQC, keep an eye out for your eNews where we’ll continue to share important updates with you, or sign up to the CQC newsletter by entering your details in the top right corner of their latest email