We love to see pets in care homes, we are big animal lovers at HCPA. Here are some top tips to ensure your pets, and clients, remain safe:

Resident Animals (Pets)

If appropriate, the named person should ensure that all pets are:

  • Fully vaccinated. Veterinary certificates regarding appropriate vaccinations should be kept in a safe place within the home.
  • Treated with a broad-spectrum helminthicide (i.e. ‘wormed’) every three months.
  • In a ‘healthy condition. If pets become ill e.g. with diarrhoea, they must be excluded from resident contact and the advice of a vet sought.
  • Regularly groomed and checked for sign of infection e.g. fleas (ectoparasites). If fleas are found the pet is to be treated with an approved insecticide.
  • Fed using designated stainless steel or earthenware bowls and in designated areas only. At the end of feeding, bowls should be removed, washed and stored dry.
  • Nit allowed into food preparation/consumption areas, clinical rooms (e.g. treatment room, sluice room) or the laundry room.
  • Prevented from visiting residents who are ill with diarrhoea and vomiting.
  • The named person is responsible in ensuring that animal excreta are removed from cat litter trays on a daily basis.

If you’re in the BARK about providing safe care in the presence of our furry friends, or your IPC knowledge is a bit RUFF, please do not hesitate to contact the Care Provider Hub via 01707 708108 or assistance@hcpa.co.uk

Please refer to pages 63-65 of the IPC care home manual for more information on pets.