The cold and flu season is fast approaching and the Hertfordshire Learning Disability Health Liaison Team have drawn up a simple 10 minute activity for care providers and support workers to compete with the people they care for and their staff teams.
This activity helps people really understand why they need to wash their hands as well as the health impact it can have on reducing the spread of infection. This is significant because studies indicate that hand hygiene is attributed to 20% of respiratory infections, while 50% of deaths in people with learning disabilities are respiratory related.
So, please do spread the word and encourage your teams to take part!
Click on the links below for the activity instructions and easy read documents on flu and vaccinations.
» The Glitter Activity to show how germs spread – how to play
» Mental Capacity to Consent to the Seasonal Flu Injection – Preparation for a Health Professional
» Easy read information about Seasonal Flu