• 1. Correct PPE use is the best way to ensure the safety of ourselves and the individuals we support, true or False?
    False - PPE is only one of the 10 standard infection control precautions (SICPs) to be used by all staff, in all care settings, at all times to ensure the safety of those being cared for, staff and visitors.
  • 2. Fans are banned in care homes, true or false?
    False - However, each use and reuse should be risk assessed and documented along with continual local maintenance and cleaning of fan blades. If a resident is in isolation, is symptomatic with respiratory symptoms or has a positive test result for COVID-19 then a fan should not be used.
  • 3. If I am not providing direct personal care, I do not need to wear a face mask, true or false?
    False - Masks are still required to be worn by all staff when working inside a care setting or an individual's own home for source control
  • 4. All staff working in a care setting should have short, clean fingernails, free from and nail products including nail varnish, acrylics and gel nails. true or false?
    True - No nail products are permitted in care settings including gel nails. This includes All staff who enter the clinical/care environment within a care setting or organisation. Artificial nails harbour microorganisms , inhibit effective hand hygiene, can cause PPE tears (increasing risk of transmission of micro- organisms), cause fungal infections, and can damage frail skin.
  • 5. I only need to take an LFD test if I have Covid-19 symptoms, true or false?
    True - Routine asymptomatic LFD testing is currently paused as long as all other IPC measures continue. You would also be asked to test as part of rapid response testing for care homes & high-risk extra care & supported living services or as part of OB testing in care homes in the event of an outbreak within your organisation.
  • 6. All individuals admitted to our service from a hospital setting or other care setting need to isolate for 10 days, true or false?
    False - They only need to isolate if they have tested positive for a transmissible infection or have been discharged from an area where there is an outbreak of a transmissible infection.
  • 7. I need to wash my hands with soap and water, not alcohol gel after supporting an individual with diarrhoea and vomiting, true or false?
    True - Alcohol gel is not effective against norovirus spores you must wash your hands with soap and water.
  • 8. If I feel well, I can't give flu to anybody, true or false?
    False - Studies suggest that 50% of flu cases are asymptomatic! This means that you can pass it on to colleagues/residents/family without realising it.
  • 9. If an individual being admitted to our care home has tested positive for covid-19 prior to their admission, they must isolate for 10 days once admitted to the care home, true or false?
    False - They need to isolate for the remaining days of their isolation period. For example if they tested positive and have already completed 5 days isolation at home or in hospital then they only need to isolate for a further 5 days on admission to the care home.