‘Quality Matters, helping you to navigate your way through the post COVID-19 landscape’
The HCPA Networking Event was held on Tuesday 26th July 2022 at Tewin Bury Farm in Welwyn.
As we emerge from what has been the most difficult two years for the Adult Social Care Sector, providers have faced unprecedented challenges and trials, and we collectively have learned many lessons.
Now with our newfound knowledge we must use what we have learned to further enhance and improve the services we offer and get back to focusing on delivering quality of care.
Key Speakers included:
- Sharon Davies OBE, HCPA CEO
- Jim McManus, Director of Public Health, Hertfordshire County Council
- Gemma Nicholas, Associate Solicitor at Ridouts Law
- Michelle Airey, Principle Education and Quality Improvement Manager, HCPA
- Wesley Strahan-Hughes, Head of Operations, HCPA
- Nicole Johnson, Attraction and Recognition Manager, HCPA
- Sara Crean-Muir, Here For You
- Gina Marshall, Interim Commissioning Quality & Assurance Manager inc COVID Outbreak Management, Hertfordshire County Council
- Chris Badger, Director, Adult Social Care Services, Hertfordshire County Council