Dear Team

Can you believe it is nearly summer! It has been good to see teams working collaboratively again. There seem to be lots of great ideas flying around and I just wanted to remind people to speak up if they have an idea which may be useful for our members. We have started our new funding year and we are ploughing on with projects both old and new and we have been pleased to see that so many have been funded. We are also working on lots of commercial ideas – basically that means ideas that bring money in that we can then put back out to the providers in the way of new project areas. Our training has been excellent and I want to commend Peter and the team for getting so many learners back into the classrooms. This (and the continuation of Zoom) has meant that the numbers for the Care 2 Step Up project have really taken a turn for the better and we can honestly say the sector is coming back into education. Take a peek at this chart from the most recent report:


We have seen new services come on line and new education being offered to our membership and I was proud to speak recently at an ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) and tell them of the way we are supporting our providers in Hertfordshire. None of this could have been possible without the fantastic team that we have at HCPA.

Please keep doing what you are doing!
