On this webpage, you will find content and material used across the whole of the HCPA business. You will be able to see which fonts we use, and download our logos in various formats for your publications. Please abide by our ‘Do’s and ‘Do Not’s when using our materials.
Use the links below to quickly navigate to the section you need
HEX Values | |
#0077f0 | "‰ |
#838080 | "‰ |
#505050 | "‰ |
HCPA fonts
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
HCPA branding DON’TS “‚”‚X
Stretched HCPA logo
This is the most common misuse of our branding.
When resizing our logo for whatever purpose, please remember to hold the ‘shift’ key to maintain the logos proportions. If the logo ends up too small to read the ‘Hertfordshire Care Providers Association’ tagline, please use the appropriate logo specified above.
Old HCPA logo
Use of our old logo (before 2015) must be updated to the modern version of the logo.
Small HCPA logo
Ensure that the tagline ‘Hertfordshire Care Providers Association’ is legible in all scenarios when resizing.
Use the suitable downloadable logo above when it is intended to be smaller than 200px wide on screen.
White background HCPA logo
Incorrectly placing our logo in the wrong format on a coloured background can often cause a white box behind the logo.
This is caused when the logo is saved as a .JPG which has no transparency, so use the appropriate .PNG above.
HCPA logo on similar coloured background
Contrary to the logo being in the correct format, placing our logo on a grey or blue background may cause parts of the logo to become less visible.
This can be fixed by using the white version of the HCPA logo, or placing it on top of a different colour.
HCPA logo with effects
Please do not alter or amend the logo in anyway shape or form.
This includes altering the colour, brightness, saturation and includes adding effects, or drop shadows.
HEX Values | |
#C69C4B | "‰ |
#F2D99E | "‰ |
Hertfordshire Care Awards fonts
The words ‘The Hertfordshire Care Awards’ are written with the ‘Angie Sans’ font.
Each year the logo will change to accommodate for the new year. This is also written in the ‘Angie Sans’ font and is placed just under the Care Awards star.
Download ‘Angie Sans’ font | AaAa |
The gradient on the text should be at a 45′ angle:

HEX Values | |
#F26624 | |
#00663f | |
#1E1E1E | |
#1bb8de |
The Care Professional Academy fonts
The font used in our ‘Care Professional Academy’ logo are written with Google’s Open Sans font.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
We use Google’s Open Sans font In the body text of our digital and printed marketing, and Open Sans Condensed for all headers.
Download the ‘Open Sans Condensed’ font | Aa |
HEX Values | |
#F26624 | "‰ |
#414042 | "‰ |
#1e1e1e | "‰ |
Herts Good Care Recruitment Fonts
The font used in our Herts Good Care logo are written with Google’s Open Sans font.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
We use Google’s Open Sans font In the body text of our digital and printed marketing, and Open Sans Condensed for all headers.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
When written StopFalls should be written as one word with a capital ‘F’
StopFalls Campaign
Stop Falls Campaign
Stopfalls Campaign
Stop falls Campaign
We use autumnal colours for this campaign to represent the play on words with the season ‘fall’. This was also the season the campaign was launched in 2017. However, in spring of 2020 StopFalls Campaign became ‘StopFalls’ and it was converted to a service.
Red is the main colour of this service as it is a warning colour, this coincides with the hexagonal branding and was inspired by the recognisable health and safety ‘STOP’ sign.
HEX Values | |
#bf1934 | "‰ |
#f9b033 | "‰ |
#9da92a | "‰ |
#e9d399 | "‰ |
#ab6048 | "‰ |
#bf6517 | "‰ |
#835313 | "‰ |
#993333 | "‰ |
StopFalls fonts
The font used in the ‘StopFalls’ logo is Acumin Variable Concept.
We use Google’s Open Sans font in the body text of our digital and printed marketing.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
HEX Values | |
#0077f0 | "‰ |
#838080 | "‰ |
#505050 | "‰ |
Inspire fonts
The font used in our ‘Inspire’ logo is written with Google’s Open Sans font.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
We use Google’s Open Sans font in the body text of our digital and printed marketing, and Open Sans Condensed for all headers.
Download the ‘Open Sans Condensed’ font | Aa |
HEX Values | |
#fbc32d | "‰ |
#515151 | "‰ |
STAN fonts
The font used in our ‘STAN’ logo is written with Google’s Open Sans font.
We use Google’s Open Sans font in the body text of our digital and printed marketing.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
HEX Values | Opacity | |
#FFFF00 | "‰ | 80% |
#00FF00 | "‰ | 50% |
#0000FF | "‰ | 50% |
#29ABE2 | "‰ | 50% |
#ED1C24 | "‰ | 50% |
#9A3BC5 | "‰ | 50% |
Blend mode set to 'Hue'.
HCPA fonts
The font used in the ‘Community Education’ logo is Google’s Open Sans font.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |
We use lowercase letters here as opposed to capitalised letters to reflect the friendly service provided by HCPA, which is complimented by the soft pastel .
The colours masked behind the HCPA roundal are made up of a series of coloured circles at various opacities and the blending mode set to ‘Hue’. This enables all of the colours to mix with eachother and blend in harmony.

HEX Values | |
#aa2180 | "‰ |
#58b9c1 | "‰ |
#505050 | "‰ |
Care Home Impartial Assessor Service fonts
The font used in the ‘Care Home Impartial Assessor Service’ logo is Google’s Open Sans font.
We use Google’s Open Sans font in the body text of our digital and printed marketing.
Download the ‘Open Sans’ font | AaAa |